Massive thanks
Gotta say a massive thanks to everyone today for a fantastic event. Just got back and brains a little cooked.
Big, big, big thanks to al my staff for there amazing work, to the refs who were spot on all day especially in the heat. To Nick and Alex on the x ball Gem for her work on admin and DJ Jimmy on the wheels of steel
Great work as usual by photo Nick, make sure ya get some pics off him for use on your websites and stuff
Sizzling Sue as always sets the standard on food, Rockstar for the awesome drinks they provide for you guys and HPAC for the air supply. Just for the trade stand and Butters from Kamikazzee pirates for the cakes, they didn't last long
All the teams should give themselves a hand too, you all conducted yourselves in an excellent fashion, played hard and played fair across all the formats. Nice to see some new faces as well, hopefully see you all soon.
Few little bugs to work out for next round, all feedback is apreciated both good and bad.
Catch you all laters,