c'mon now guys, you all just wish you were as agg as him. look at his ''idontcareclaw'' and his ''idontcaremypadsareovermyjersey'' style. and dont even get me started on his rad headgear. He's also got his trigger wrist at a complete right angle to his gun. which is all the rage in socal, also it makes sure that when the balls are coming in, you've got as much showing as possible so you can pull some neo shisz. and the fact that he was in long enough to shoot all 5 of his pods! this is the future right here!
I wrap my thumb over the top of my barrel. but thats only so i can get my chicken wing as right angled as possible.
I wrap my thumb over the top of my barrel. but thats only so i can get my chicken wing as right angled as possible.