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The Blue Pill or The Red Pill?


Active Member
Oct 18, 2009
i suppose you have to find your own definition on the truth. What is the truth? well descartes made the most recent true breakthrough in modern philosophical thought which was the quote "cogito ergo sum" (i think thats the clever sounding latin). This roughly translated is "i think therfore i am" you could consider that to be one of the only truths as it is one if not the only thing which through reason (which is in itself an unidentifiable way of identifying truth) we can "know". As to have the thought of questioning ones existence you are thinking and hence exist within some form.

when confronted with this question you must also consider the fact that if we are offered "the truth" that means that we havent learnt it and that we may have no knowledge whatsoever of the "true" world. That counts EVERYTHING including the infallible which if you learn the truth could be infallible (sorry descartes) and change the world in which we live to a massive degree.Like chickens having human arms and being able to drive, and we would lay eggs! So if you do consider the red pill as an option you are taking a huge gamble. you may like neo be the one and get to have a lot of sex with a woman who loves leather. Or you may take the pill and realise that actually the world is based around the theory of solipsism and that you are the only one actually there, which would suck massive hairy reality balls (if they were to exist).

in truth the blue pill would suffice, my life is pretty good and within our (likely) naive view of reality inside which i can play paintball. Which if i take the red pill i may lose to chance. :O


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
neo had a choice between viagra and a vitamin pill?? well I be b****red!! :D

I'd take either, but due to the number of meds i'm already on will probably have an adverse reaction or just have no affect!!


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
i suppose you could consider it relative to your current social situation. where most people are generally happy with life, then you would see no reason to seek a further truth, especially since there is an underlying possibility that this truth might not be what you want. however if we consider the opposite end of the spectrum and you happened to be very unsatisfied with some aspect of life, then it may be a more worthwhile investment to take a risk in finding out what your reality is.

i suppose this could be put in perspective in the form of relationships. everybody wants a playboy bunny and when it's a distinct possibility that some other lad is having his way with your gal would you really want to know if this was the case? probably not! as many of you have already said, i think it boils down to 'ignorance is bliss'.


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
is it just me or the irony behind the blue pill in matrix being representive of learning the truth etc.

whereby anti depressants seem to blue pills also!! so is it a metaphor?? or some strange subliminal message??


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2010
Upper layham, Ipswich
is it just me or the irony behind the blue pill in matrix being representive of learning the truth etc.

whereby anti depressants seem to blue pills also!! so is it a metaphor?? or some strange subliminal message??
as someone mentioned earlier, Viagra is also a blue pill.... what does it represent now :')

Sir Mike

of Smeg.
Aug 7, 2011
2 blue ones please, I already know to much of the world, ignorance is strength.......
I've spent the last 10 years of my adult life gaining knowledge and wisdom in regards to the truth....
and I bloody hate it. A whole bottle of blue pills please, re-integrating me could take a while.

Oh and when you put me back in leave me with my paintball gun and free entry to all events for the rest of my life... There's a good chap.


Here let me wipe my balls off your face.
Jul 10, 2011
WOW im proud of myself for knowing what Noetic science was ^__^ thankyou Dan Brown books :p


the dark knight
Jun 23, 2010
Firstly I would rub both pills on either forearm to see if I was having any adverse reactions.

Then I'd say "don't you have something more appetising with less involvement, like a green pill that will make my mouth taste of a fillet steak for the next week"
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