It really improved my game. pirahna stock frames come with a fairly long trig pull, but slap a storm frame on there and you add least 5bps to your normal trigger pull. Its Great!How do you get on with your storm frame?
Bit late to ask around since I've already ordered one for my inferno but hey!
E-class inferno - time to burn, angel boys!!!!
hehehehehehe They say I need therapy!
because they can be good quality tournamet ready paintball gunswhy are you sooooooo obbsessed with piranhas man
mmmm performance did you forget about perfromance, most guns over $500 shoot at about 18 bps now thats alot compared to a pirhana which i dont know how much they shoot,and im sure the accuracy is better too on guns over $500, o and they are sooooooo nice to look at so shineyBut....$2000 paintball guns are soooo nice to look at, ummm shiney, must buy shiney things!!!!!!