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Thankyous from the Chicks - Series 2k2 Kidderminster


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Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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I'd like to add my thanks to Gillie's - I was probably the person who benefitted the most from all the assistance as the poor pressganged captain who at 8.45am had only 4 players available!

Thanks also to Firestorm Red who must be the biggest gentlemen in the sport & possibly in the UK - any other team would be rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of playing their 7 to only 5 of us, but these lovely, lovely boys gave us one of their players to make it 6 on 6! Love you guys.:)

Alien - really hope your knee is going to be OK soon, I'll mail you.

I think the marshalls were probably the best I've seen since coming out of retirement last year. Quickly onto the scene when required but didn't interfere with play & I didn't hear a single complaint about a dodgy call all day. Bearing in mind the horrid weather, the mud & the barricades causing sooo much spray, they performed outstandingly on every field. Big up to you guys.

Mods - we need a new Smilie symbol. Can we have one for hugs and/or kisses please, I wanted to add lots to this post.

JimShady - Twisted Capt.

Plaited Wookie
Jan 7, 2002
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Sorry to thread heist but it seemed daft making onother thankyous thread. :)

Twisted would like to to big up Steve 'Diamond Geeza' Bull for puttin on another great tourny & lettin us play it for free this weekend (that was the deal wasnt it steve? ;) ) The JCS crew - John 'violence is great' Payne, Tracy n Stu for sortin us our paint, sorry our FANTASTIC DIABLO paint, cheers to you bunch. The marshalls who did an absolutely outstanding job in, as has been mentioned, fairly adverse circumstances. Well done to kellys and inferno and (i believe) the manchester marshalls - hats of to you guys brilliant job. Except Rob of course, who not only cant marshall but also mugs empty baricades!! ;) :D
Maximum respect to our southern contingent, mr steve 'afro' truter n sam for playin for us this weekend, great laugh with you pair on & off the field, your always welcome guys.
Gotta mention olly whos greenfingers made the presentation a bit of a chore, but the drive home much more bearable - your a trooper lad see u next time!
Finally thanks to all those we played and everyone who turned up, even plastered in mud rain n far more spray than i reckon is healthy the atmosphere was great, another fun 2k2 tourny.

easy - jimbo


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Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Paul, it was a pleasure ;). Big hug, & thanks for helping me with my kit etc at the end of the day.

Gillie is trying to sort out those stickers we talked about!:D

one of the chicks

New Member
Dec 5, 2001
Hi paul

As i said thanxs to all our guests, ur all stars!
Will hopefully c u at next tourney me at college. didnt get up til 11 mind ya!
Will cu all soon that last game was mint heheheh:D
Hugs and kisses
Steph xxx;)
Sorry Liz

We kinda forgot that we had offered to help you with your kit :confused:

I'm glag that alien is going to be okay as he did look a bit peeky on the day but still managed a torade of bad jokes.

Cheers must especially go out to the "Vipers" who rotated two of their players into our squad..... Many, Many thanks for that but you left before I could thank you.

See you all on the 14th of July.

Just incase nobody thinks to tell me, but where's the party going to be this time. My lads are starting to feel like outcasts :D

Laters all

PS : Thaks 6E for the nomination , A TROPHY, YES, YES !!!!!


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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"Just incase nobody thinks to tell me, but where's the party going to be this time. My lads are starting to feel like outcasts "

The best thing to do is keep an eye on the 2002 web site & check the info for each tournament. At some stage Bully always puts up the name & number of the nearest TravelLodge/TravelInn to the site. Be alert though, & get in early. There's been a couple of occasions (like this weekend) where I've tried to book in too late & had to stay somewhere else :(

You more than deserved your trophy guys, you are such sweeties. Next one will come soon, and it WILL be for a place, you're getting better & better every tourney.