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Tha $64,000 question...

So, 3 of Boby's guys play Super-7s and Bob then cops a three game personal playing ban...whether it's one game per guy or just 3 games for letting any of his guys play is unclear, but that don't matter...

What matters is that Bob's guys rocked without him and totalled everyone.

So my question is this: will the same three play tha next Super-7, Bobby accept tha same penalty, and Oakland win again?


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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I would have to assume the penalties would get stiffer for each offense, right??:confused:

And players eventually have to start taking the penalties cuz just what is the point if its not enforced against them??But I think Robbo mentioned in another thread that if Bobby's boys got penalized for playing S7, they were pulling outta X so maybe it was just a way for NXL to save face after being told what to do by him..Gotta look like someones being punished..


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Plus the players that played the S7 are on the roster so presumably played NXL at Mardi.

If so, banning Bob for his players actions when that goes against an agreement from Chicago and nothing was signed anyway - is stupid enough. But to then allow those players who actually caused the "infringment" to play is a nonsense to me.

These players aren't getting anything from NXL yet are being asked to obide by rules they haven't explicitly agreed to.

To me it smacks that they "banned" Bob in name only and it was to try and prove a point, rather than actually penalising the team (which banning the players would have done).


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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Bobs Suspension

The more I think about this,the more pissed I become...

Just how serious can we take NXL if they cant even enforce the rules..Now as much as we all didnt agree with the exclusive contracts,I think pretty much everyone accepted that it happened and obviously the players were getting a good enough deal to take them..Fine..

But now it seems like a sham because the NXL is too afraid to enforce them outta fear of teams picking up and leaving..What a joke..I think we've seen it enough recently on these boards that if your gonna do it,just do it..We may not like it very much but when you end up saying one thing and doing another the legitimicy of it all really comes into question..

Now dont get me wrong,IMHO Bobby did the right thing by letting his boys play were they want..Exclusive contracts(right now)should have never happened..Maybe we should see if X-Ball will even work before locking players in..It really does amaze me though that the powers that be set themselves up for failure time and time again..

NXL not penalizing Bobs players could be the start of some very nasty precedents being established that in the long run could be disastrous for them...It amazes me that they coulnt even get this right..

But I guess we should have expected this when the people in control have so little of it...


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Bobs Suspension

Originally posted by headrock6

NXL not penalizing Bobs players could be the start of some very nasty precedents being established that in the long run could be disastrous for them...It amazes me that they coulnt even get this right..
< cynic mode >

Ok - picture this PSP meeting.

"Right guys, some of Bobs players played HB, we said they couldn't so what we going to do about it"
"just suspend the players"
"if we do that they'll walk, they could play anywhere, if they walk then the rest of the players will be unsettled and might walk too"
"But if we do nothing we will look like a bunch of idiots"
"What about banning bob for a few games, don't make much of it but at least that's something"
"Good idea - a coach will never walk away from his team so that's a safe bet, plus all the offending players can still play so they are happy"
"Right, let's do it"

< /cynic mode >

That couldn't have really happened could it?


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
Visit site
I love cynic mode...

Beak-Obviously if Bob was suspended there had to be some sorta agreement in place..Ironmen dropping outta S7 would also lead me to believe that...

NXL just doesnt work without the Pro's and they know this..But whats the point of putting massive limitations on them when you need them so badly..And then they try and punish them and now we can see even that doesnt work beacuse teams are starting to flex thier muscles a bit...

If they wanted this to work,the last thing on thier minds should have been S7 and the Millennium series..It seems that in trying to keep players away,they have effectively pissed off the exact people they need...Just doesnt make any sense to me..

They should have been focusing on experimenting with this format for just a little longer than 2 events,letting it play out and see where it went...Just because people are saying its gonna be the next big thing doesnt mean it is...Instead we have $200,000 franchises,exclusive contracts, a format thats not even proven and some pissed off players to boot..

X-Ball changing the face of paintball..You bet..X-Ball flops,teams are allowed to play S7,and thats the end of PSP...Not the way most thought it would pan out,but always a possiblilty...

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Let's up the ante

Rumor outta the Big Easy is that at least one NXL team is on the verge of taking a walk and blowing off the whole X-Ball experiment.

Also heard the crowd for X-Ball on Sunday estimated around 20. Ok, that's a bit harsh but if you hadn't just finished playin' and decided to hang out chances are it would'a been about 20.

And what is the deal with some of the NXL results over the weekend? Wonder if anyone was taping matches a la the RL or assistant coaches were busy scouting the opposing teams? Or maybe everyone was just plain plastered.