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Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's worse than that, it's physics Jim...

Pete, you took my statement out of context but then you know you did :)

TJ, just by affiliating youself with an inteligent thread does not mean some if it will rub off. Nice try though :eek:

Originally posted by Hotpoint
And when we talked about this before you didn't have the numbers either. If you had I would have come up with a new theory by now ;)
I look forward to your new theory :) BTW do you still shoot a shocker? Noticed how the Gardners and most of the AA's now shoot Impulse's... which is the same basic design as an angel... :eek: if there were something miraculous in a shocker wouldn't they be using them? ;)

Hotpoint the key to accuracy at range is consistency. The shocker is a consistent gun out of the box and that helps hugely. But many (most?) other guns can also be made to be consistent.

A consistent gun can be run at higher velocities without a risk of going hot, higher velocities = range. ( as seen above in this thread)

higher velocities = straighter trajectory at closer ranges normally used in paintball = straighter trajectory will have a similar trajectory path for each shot. = balls can be more accurately placed.

higher velocities = paintballs more likely to break.

So consistency is the key.



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Oops forgot to mention that paint is vital when it comes to consistency. Weight of ball is important as is the seam (causes lift forces).. dimples and surface defects on paintballs tend to be less important than those factors, which is why some dimpled paint with a good seam flies better than some spherical paint with a ragged seam.


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's worse than that, it's physics Jim...

Originally posted by manike

TJ, just by affiliating youself with an inteligent thread does not mean some if it will rub off. Nice try though :eek:

And who decides this thread is intelligent? :D

Bloody heck! I hadn't looked at this thread in a while, cause I thought it was full of dribble, but look what happens when you guys are left to play amongst yourselves. You stop speaking English! :D


Pompey Paintballer
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's worse than that, it's physics Jim...

Originally posted by Robbo

Hegel's view on the relevance of Art has always been a stumbling block for me and I would prefer (if philosophers are to be quoted) to rely more on people like Descartes whose reductionist approach to problem solving was more to my liking (Cogito, ergo, sum)....Hmmm gimme Descartes any day of the week over Hegel !
PS any comments TJ ? :)
Okay now we're starting to go off on a tangent... but personally whilst I liked the basis of the Cartesian method I never liked where he ended up taking it (in trying to prove the existance of God by means of somewhat dubious leaps of logic)

I'm primarily still a Freidrich Neitzche fan myself. And to quote the great (and eventually insane) man himself "He who fights with monsters should take care not to become a monster themselves and when you stare into the abyss the abyss also stares into you"

And the relevance of this to paintball... when you play against cheating wipers take care not to do so retaliate in kind, do so and then it's you at the precipice whether you started it or not ;)
Kantian Antimonies all tha way dude...

Hey, I'm an artist, not a science geek...leave me to my beautiful dreams and bold visions of a world where hair metal rules tha airwaves and Nikki Sixx is President.

Meantime, you nerds can go back to your workshop and split tha atom or something useful like that...



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's worse than that, it's physics Jim...

Originally posted by manike

TJ, just by affiliating youself with an inteligent thread does not mean some if it will rub off. Nice try though :eek:

OH MY !!!
TJ......U gonna take that ?


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Who said it was intelligent...

Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
Wow, an intelligent converstaion I can take part in ;)

Originally posted by Robbo
Any coversation I am involved in, is, by definition, intelligent !!!
Robbo :)
That and given the fact you ;) think we are speaking another language :)

nuff said :D

Feel free to argue Robbo's point though...



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's worse than that, it's physics Jim...

Originally posted by Hotpoint
Okay now we're starting to go off on a tangent... but personally whilst I liked the basis of the Cartesian method I never liked where he ended up taking it (in trying to prove the existance of God by means of somewhat dubious leaps of logic)
I'm primarily still a Freidrich Neitzche fan myself. And to quote the great (and eventually insane) man himself "He who fights with monsters should take care not to become a monster themselves and when you stare into the abyss the abyss also stares into you"
And the relevance of this to paintball... when you play against cheating wipers take care not to do so retaliate in kind, do so and then it's you at the precipice whether you started it or not ;)
Oh no, no, no, no, I am not letting you get away with that, I mean describing Descarte's reasoning as 'Dubious leaps of logic' just shows you haven't understood him.
He may use a regressive argument in finally getting there but his reasoning is quite cool :)

1) I think, therefore I am.
2) I cannot be mistaken about the ideas that I have.
3) There can never be more objective reality in the effect (i.e., the idea) than there is formal reality in the cause (i.e., object of the idea).
4) I have an idea of perfection or infinite substance.
5) My idea of perfection is the most objectively real idea that I have.
6) The only possible formal cause of that idea is infinite substance (God).

Wanna fault it ?


Pompey Paintballer
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's worse than that, it's physics Jim...

Originally posted by manike
I look forward to your new theory :) BTW do you still shoot a shocker? Noticed how the Gardners and most of the AA's now shoot Impulse's... which is the same basic design as an angel... :eek: if there were something miraculous in a shocker wouldn't they be using them? ;)

Hotpoint the key to accuracy at range is consistency. The shocker is a consistent gun out of the box and that helps hugely. But many (most?) other guns can also be made to be consistent.

So consistency is the key.

Actually I now use a Freak Factory Impulse-Vision (but still have my Shocker as a back-up). If anything the Impy is somewhat more consistant than the Shocker but still seems to be mildly less accurate at extreme range (I'll have to bench test them for you)

My purchase of the Impy was not due to unhappiness with the accuracy of the Shocker but because:

(1) I got a payrise and could afford something flashy :)
(2) Whilst I loved firing the Shocker it's bulky and weighs a ton

Consistancy may be the most important factor in accuracy but there are more things in heaven, earth and paintball than are dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio-Manike :D

By the way, since I don't believe in "miracles", but do believe in the evidence of my own eyes, I seek scientifically plausible explanations... please continue to shoot them down as they come eventually I might find one that sticks ;)


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
I agree until point 3) and follow it all the way down to point 5) but then the jump to point 6) is astounding and based on a presumptuous point 3).

It's an extremely arrogant set of assumptions and definitions which are only correct if the person is correct in their ideas (not their belief of their ideas which we can not doubt). If their ideas are initially incorrent it all falls down like a house of cards.

It hangs on point 3) on which point my idea is that it's a mistaken point...
