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Tattoo's and Piercings?


Sep 9, 2001
Visit site
My girlfriend wanted to know what I wanted for an engagement present so I asked for a tattoo. and as it completely circles my calk it could be called a ring. So voila an engagement ring. Geddit?


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
I once worked with a guy who used to be in the RAF. he had a standard heart with some name on it (Michelle I think) and they split up - suprise - but managed to convince his next girlfriend, also called Michelle, that he got it for her, they spilt so had to get it covered :)

Says a lot for the quality of girl he went for :D
If your lucky and use loads of potions they might just heal up I had a run in with some totally **** schearer this time last year all
tottally my own fault no gloves silly cow too close I shot all of them out but them they carried on shooting 7 shots across my gun hand and up my wrist. I am really fussy about paint now.

It did make people take me slightly more seriously I turned up at a tourney the next day with a hand pissing blood and played it was nastier than any thing that happened that day.:eek: