Really impressed with the artwork guys. Whoever’s putting the designs together has a keen eye and tends to know what font works with what design so kudos.
Everything looks very professional, very clean and certainly stylish. I agree with 'the missus' in the respect that due to the use of vector imaging the designs do tend to look similar, but don’t be mistaken, I like this. I think this can be very rewarding in the respect that each and every design adds to the brand and this if anything can be what you build the business on. If you are persistent enough (pending there is a continual market for it) or at least have the majority of your range built around a set style eventually you get to the stage where someone says 'vector style' the other says 'Imperial clothing'. You begin to become specialists.
Personally I wouldn’t put all of my eggs in one basket though. Try to venture into other styles, look at your competition. It’s a primary requirement when starting out. Look at the market. Not just to see if it’s feasible to succeed but when in your game it’s a great opportunity to see what everyone is doing. Look at the industry forerunners, the big leaguers; look at what they are pumping out each season. Do they have winter ranges? Summer ranges, Autumn, Winter? Do they target a niche group? I.e. children, males, females, young adults, students? What colours are they using? Is there any (iconic or not) imagery they are repeating? Are they using alternative methods for printing? Not only can you learn what’s 'in' from them but you can also learn from their methods. They are the top dogs for a reason.
Have you considered promotion and marketing? Before you produce a single t-shirt other than samples please go through everything you need to make sure your name is spread across the industry. Sire paintball produced some seriously quality kit but trying to get your hands on the stuff was a pain in the ass. Make contacts. Make friends. Look to dealers and distributors to promote your kit. These are the people who can turn you from a part time business into a serious name in the industry. You are doing the right thing right now guys. Market research is so important and talking directly with the customers is essential so total respect. When you have the product look at outlets to sell it. The first buzz from friends and supporters will quickly disappear once the buzz calms down. Initially it'll seem like its all gonna happen then if you don’t watch your six it'll all catch up with you and bite you square on the backend. It’s easily avoided though, make sure the buzz, the hype doesn’t settle. Setup sites on Myspace, sell through your own contacts on Facebook, visit Forums buy advertising space if need be, contact shops and dealers and get your products in their inventories, on their Stalls! Get people talking about your product and the most important of all; get the website up guys
It’s a must. Make it smart, clean and a reflection of your style. To sell something you need somewhere to sell it.
Finally promote bros. Use whatever you can. Stickers are popular in paintball so they are a good idea to distribute to the paintballers. There’s plenty of other simple ways to bring in the trade. What about limited editions?
Be wary of competitors, enjoy what you’re doing and don’t ever get complacent, be ready to change to suite your customers and you’ll do fine with what I’ve seen.
Have a wee look at these guys, although conspire is a bit gay now, Tom used to promote it directly at paintballers and it was shaping up to be cool, now its more bands and a bit faggoty in my opinion although to be fair they done what I mentioned earlier and found their style: