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Swine Flu + Bird Flu = Lots of dead people


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
My microbiology lecturer predicted a flu epidemic just before swine flu errupted!
The man knows too much ¬_¬
not really, they've been predicting one for quite some time. They thought it was going to be SARS but that didnt work out for them.

Wanna hear something f*cked up? They're re-registering doctors who have retired so they'll have enough people to sign the death certificates. It's coming - we're f*cked.

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
My microbiology lecturer predicted a flu epidemic just before swine flu errupted!
The man knows too much ¬_¬

I wonder what the swine flu 'pandemic' is killing per year compared to the yearly flu epidemic?
I read somewhere that during the major news reporting of swine flu that 500 had died that month of swine flu and nearly 3000 had died of the 'normal' flu in the same time. Media hype all of it, if the media aint got nowt good too say then its a week day :rolleyes:

Tricky Dicky

May 9, 2008
I read somewhere that during the major news reporting of swine flu that 500 had died that month of swine flu and nearly 3000 had died of the 'normal' flu in the same time. Media hype all of it, if the media aint got nowt good too say then its a week day :rolleyes:
are both those figures from within the same region? or are they worldwide?


CPPS Chief Chimp
Mar 26, 2008
Bring it on, I'll beat it............cough cough :eek:

Bon, keep your rape tape for its intended use :D

My understanding is that only the initial percentage of people infected with these viruses are at risk of death. The more the virus spreads through the human population and gradually mutates, the more humanised the virus becomes and therefore the body can recognise and destroy the threat as it would any other. It’s only in the first stages when the virus is still in its animalistic form that causes the problems :confused:

Tricky Dicky

May 9, 2008
either way it doesnt matter, more people have average flu than swine flu already, although most of us have a natural defence against average flu.

what im trying to say is that the swine flu was more of an issue as the proportion of deaths and survivors is less than average flu. Thus when the numbers peak to the same amount of sufferers the deaths will rise due to no natural defence.

3000 people may of died from average flu, although their was propably 500,000 suffers. whereas 500 people may of died from swine flu when their was only 5000 sufferers.


currently out of the 1300+ cases identified in the UK there have been 0 deaths attributed to solely swine flu. the case up here was a death of a woman infected with it - but her death was down to other medical problems.....it just finished her off.

mexico has the worst reported death:infection ratio. 108:6241. or to out it another way 1.7% of those diagnosed have died.

in the US it is 45:17,855 - just over 0.25%.

remember these are only from diagnosed people. the countries have been testing anyone who has died from flu symptoms to ensure they get the number of deaths correct and monitor the virus' impact. but also remember that the number diagnosed has been suggested as being as little as only 10% of the actual sufferers. the virus is generally presenting itself as a nothing more than a bad flu, so a lot of people may be mistaking it as nothing more than that.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
Pffff whatever. I'll survive it, just like I survived AIDS in the 80's, meningitis in the 90's, SARS, bird flu, credit crunches, the BNP, asylum seekers, paedophiles, Harlod Shipman, and annual floods.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Pffff whatever. I'll survive it, just like I survived AIDS in the 80's, meningitis in the 90's, SARS, bird flu, credit crunches, the BNP, asylum seekers, paedophiles, Harlod Shipman, and annual floods.
You forgot the bush administration