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sweet spoting advice needed


New Member
It's true. If your back guys aren't there pumping out paint anf calling out positions and keeping the front guys from getting bunkered. Front guys would simply have their heads down waiting to get bunkered.

On the other end. If all the front guys get shot out, Back guys have a very slim chance of shooting everyone on the other team out of their bunkers shooting straight on to cover.

Teamwork teamwork teamwork.


New Member
It all depends on how your team is set up. Do you have alot of really slow back players that would have trouble making it to the back corners? Don't have them sweetspot. Do you tend to break out very long? You're not going to be able to have as many people sweetspotting as a team that breaks out short. Shorter promary runs mean either you can run into your bunker and start sweetspotting from there or you can sweetspot right at the start then scurry to your bunker.

I would say Avg. would be 3-6 for 10man and 2-4 for 7-man.

That's just a best guess on my part. Play around with it on training days and see what works best with your team. Mix it up a bit for some varity.



Active Member
Jan 12, 2002
Thanks Micah. My team is only a 5-man right now so I was just curious about how many players are needed to sweetspot. Also, Smartecosse mentioned sweetspotting the oppositions sweetspotters as opposed to sweetspotting the oppositions front players. Surely you could assign say 2 for the sweetspotters and the other two for the oppositions front players? That way, although you dont have as much chance of definately getting the fronts out, you can damage the whole team as opposed to just the front or back line.

your mom

wears army boots
playing the percentages there, huh. makes sense to me. one tip you might consider for practicing break outs is to form two lines facing each other, 15 or 20 yards apart (45 or 60 ft) and shoot each other in the chest. harhar! pain is for the weak!
ima justa kinding
i think, depending on the field, send one man up the middle, and one up each wing, every one else moves up slower and covers them.