Hi Jamie,
if you want an update you can see the number of people that are booked in on the website.
Looking forward to another cool rec ball game - 2K3 was awesome. My ferry is already booked up already.
Do you know if any people from north Black 4 platoon for the 2K3 are also playing in this one?
I'll keep in touch about meeting up with you there.
BTW - i have a new fill nipple on my bottle now - so no F***ing around with leaks this time!!

One question though. I've taken the old one out and it's got all this black stuff on the thread - as a sealant I suppose.
My new nipple also has this black stuff on too. Do I have to put anything extra onto the new nipple, like loctite or something when I screw it in? Or is what is on the thread already enough?
(got an X-board into my hopper too! slowly upgrading

, just missing the new style paddles for em though