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Super6/4: Tippmann Challenge UK - OFFICIAL LAUNCH!!!!!


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
Lots of people turn up to their first scenario event alone, it doesn't take long to make friends, we're a nice bunch. Post up here or on UK Scenario and whichever faction you choose there will be a team who will take you under their wing for the day.

There's a few people from down your way, Exeter, Launceston, Zummerset etc.

Hidden Hippo

Feb 15, 2011
Hmm, I'll have to consider it. Is there rental option available? I know someone who is trying to convince me to go camping - give and take eh?

I'd also need to pick up some new trousers - could be an expensive but awesome weekend (it is only Crawley right?).


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Grab a ticket and turn up. I met loads of people last year on their own and me and my mate made em feel welcome :D BEER!!

We also offer equipment rental for players who do not own their own kit. We'll give you everything that you need to play and it'll only cost you a tenner!!!! The kit rental is a perfect way for experienced players to invite along friends, family or work collegues who may want to give scenario and Big Game paintball a go before spending money on kit.

All rental equipment will feature the new range of Tippmann makers including the latest Tippmann 98 and Gryphon markers all for the astonishing price of only £10!!!

Also to make sure you don't get worried about being on your own. If you decided to go PM me and i'll send you my number. Phone me when you get there and you can hang around with me and Proctor (who i'm giving a lift and have never met before lol).


Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2010
Grab a ticket and turn up. I met loads of people last year on their own and me and my mate made em feel welcome :D BEER!!


Also to make sure you don't get worried about being on your own. If you decided to go PM me and i'll send you my number. Phone me when you get there and you can hang around with me and Proctor (who i'm giving a lift and have never met before lol).
It's just me and a mate turning up as well, easy to make friends, just start chatting to the guys next to you. Ask them about their gun, never fails! Wait, that sounds wrong.




The 5th eNewsletter for Super6/4: The Tippmann Challenge UK is now out and ready for your perusal.

This week features:

- James Geldart in the 'Meet the Shoreline Team' section
- Recruitment update, a faction by faction breakdown of recruitment to date - it's closed up!
- Feature on the massive Tippmann Competition where you can win a Phenom for you and also one each for three of your mates, tickets to a Tippmann Challenge in the USA, hotels and paint to shoot whilst you are there (doesn't include flights). Its an awesome prize and someone at the TCUK will win it!
- Details on the Tippmann Certified Tech course that will be running at the TCUK - a fantastic chance for all field owners or keen players alike

We're into the final month now..............not long to go!


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Looks like the green team is still the largest team at the Tippmann Chal.

Get signed up on the winning green team.