What can I say, I've just got back from site, again so still a bit tired and bewildered as usual.
Massive thanks firstly and formostly to the Marshals, 76 games during the day pretty much without incident (or cakes for that matter) during the day they gained nearly an hour and a half on the schedule, a testament to how smooth running the guys have got the day going.
Thanks to SOS Paintball and Eden Designs for the usual top notch trade presence, remember guys unless you support the trade at these sorts of events they wont bother coming back, and you will all be moaning again about a lack of trade
Thanks to Ambush Paintball for the wonderful facilities and Jon for the best refreshment stand this side of the road.
A huge thankyou to my ever present and ever suffering girlfriend, who without the tournement would be a complete shambles, I would leave the house missing key items of clothing and none of you would see the scores for weeks after the event.
Thankyou all for having faith in me and the series and I cant wait to see you all again on August the 30th