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Super 7's and its US Effect


EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
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Originally posted by Robbo
It's all a frikkin carve up and conspiracy, you lot are a law unto yourselves...
Damned right it's a conspiracy! A marketing conspiracy to keep us glued to the tubes. If we don't stay on top of it we miss all the juicy stuff, just like I missed the conclusion of the Tony Montana saga while away for Christmas. The best threads are like Cheshire cats!



Mother, is that you?
Bacs, I was taking the piss mate - no need to post in Mods.

Pete - stop going on about bottom feeding. I ain't doing it.ok.

Manike - totally agree. And I love the double metaphor - pure class.

Usup - try taking your piece to a british paintball mag, maybe you will have more luck?


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
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Back from the ski slopes and into the fire

Well,if ya'll wanna see our boy wonder in action go check out Smacktalk and see his response to S7..Id post it here but its just a little long..Who woulda thought??:rolleyes:

But I find it strangely disturbing though that he would cut this post and then answer it anonymously when his responses are just so damn easy to identify..A whole lot of nothing with a touch of arrogance and a bunch of button pushing..Not to hard to miss if your familiar with him..Welcome to the world of Raehl..Captain Obvious
