Thumbs up from me.
Saturday was good crack. Wandering around catching up with folk and looking at the shinies on the stalls. Also took part in the Sniper competition which i unexpectedly won. I'm sure anyone who has seen me play would find that hard to believe (1 hopper one kill ). But it's true. So thanks for the prize, hopefully be seeing you all at Chocolate factory.
Next time i will hopefully have a look at the academy sessions. I heard good feedback from them.
Air safety training was an eye opener, I did it a year ago but this time was a little less rushed and I definitely learnt something new. So even if you have done it before, it is worth doing again.
Nice few pints with the gang in the Mill House and then a visit to the throbbing entertainment metropolis that is Worksop town centre. We left before the Shoreline Rangers started touching everyone up. We felt it wasn't fair to keep hogging them all to ourselves.
Sunday started off well, if a little rushed, apparently some people need to have a 3 course breakfast before leaving the hotel. We humans swept up that field fast, shame it didn't set the pace for the rest of the day but hey ho. We all know how that went. lol. The screens were a great addition as were the in-game lights.
Highlights for me: Last stand at the human respawn with the Merc Mob and 2 other guys against about 30 Prawns. Looking for the disappearing sniper with Willie (SW) and Littletone, (where the hell did he go?). Retaking the village in the morning with the Convicts. Shooting Rangers in the feet. Teaching Mywar a valuable lesson in humility and the importance of peripheral vision.
OK, and shooting Pepe in the nuts. Sorry dude it was an accident though.
Thanks to Tim, Suzy, Skirmish and Shoreline Marshals for a cracking weekend. Looks like it should be a good season.
Saturday was good crack. Wandering around catching up with folk and looking at the shinies on the stalls. Also took part in the Sniper competition which i unexpectedly won. I'm sure anyone who has seen me play would find that hard to believe (1 hopper one kill ). But it's true. So thanks for the prize, hopefully be seeing you all at Chocolate factory.
Next time i will hopefully have a look at the academy sessions. I heard good feedback from them.
Air safety training was an eye opener, I did it a year ago but this time was a little less rushed and I definitely learnt something new. So even if you have done it before, it is worth doing again.
Nice few pints with the gang in the Mill House and then a visit to the throbbing entertainment metropolis that is Worksop town centre. We left before the Shoreline Rangers started touching everyone up. We felt it wasn't fair to keep hogging them all to ourselves.
Sunday started off well, if a little rushed, apparently some people need to have a 3 course breakfast before leaving the hotel. We humans swept up that field fast, shame it didn't set the pace for the rest of the day but hey ho. We all know how that went. lol. The screens were a great addition as were the in-game lights.
Highlights for me: Last stand at the human respawn with the Merc Mob and 2 other guys against about 30 Prawns. Looking for the disappearing sniper with Willie (SW) and Littletone, (where the hell did he go?). Retaking the village in the morning with the Convicts. Shooting Rangers in the feet. Teaching Mywar a valuable lesson in humility and the importance of peripheral vision.
OK, and shooting Pepe in the nuts. Sorry dude it was an accident though.
Thanks to Tim, Suzy, Skirmish and Shoreline Marshals for a cracking weekend. Looks like it should be a good season.