Just the two of you? wheres the dedication? the love of the game? the burning desire to get shot by me? Hope you two can sort something out, id offer to pick you up - but i cant drive.. doh! Anyways ill email you kris with the directions and stuff.
Okay, fine bribery it is - theres gonna be free paint, a beer fountain, loads of fine scantily clad women to pot up for you, a compressor and £1000000 cash prize to the next team to book in.
mad-mart do you really want to come up and train because well be there red heat and we really do wont to give you boys a spanking .....
only joking mate hope you can make it should be a good day
burb youve gotta be quick to beat us guys .
hope you guys dont get upset too easey once weve spanked
your arses
puuure power red heat
look forward to the challenge of shooting you guys up
hope you make good targets ?
see you all sunday just dont be afraid