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Stiffi Or Freak Barrel To Buy?


Jun 4, 2008
Dublin, Ireland
Sorry hyperlite, I honestly thought you were just coming on and making a sarcastic comment, must have read it the wrong way or something. Sorry man, no hard feelings I hope :) ?

It depends on what makes you feel comfortable. I personally prefer a little bit of weight, but my mate shoots a marker setup, that no kidding, weighs just over a kilo and a half WITH paint, if I remember right.

The problem with a carbon fiber barrel is that it can sometimes make the marker tank-heavy depending on your marker. The best is to try someone else's kit first.

As for accuracy, most high-end barrels perform the same, it's more the marker, i.e. a spool valve will be much more stable, a blowback will be much worse. Boring can help alot but is tough to do since paint bore can change many times in a day due to weather and humidity. Usually I just stick on a .691 and that serves me fine.

Again, apologies, dude.


Dec 30, 2005
I'm going to suggest a kind of "best of both worlds" Scenario. I shoot a deadly wind carbon fibre "whisper" barrel, which everyone thinks is a stiffi and is around the same weight, but it takes freak inserts! Never ever had a barrel break with it, its much quieter than a stock barrel and I love it to bits. Freak kits are going pretty cheap nowadays, so good times.

Also look into the Warped Un1tech barrels, the full length is sized bore and it has sleeves to give whatever thread you want, and they're also very very light.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2004
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were did buy the deadly wind carbon fibre "whisper" barrel sounds good

TBM1 as already sugeted the best thing to do is to try before you buy if you live anywere near freekz Hampshire come down and have a look at my stiffi barrel also got a freak barrel you can look at. :D