I have started a thread in the Techroom/Air section titled "Your local HPA Filler"
My reason for this is to get everybody to say where they get there bottle's filled and for how much. In time this will build up for the whole country and hopefully help us all. We might be happy traveling to place A to refill, but not know that place B is closer/cheaper.
Also some 'ballers might just have empty tanks until there next game because they don't know where to go to refill. And even worse might be afraid to ask, as feel they are asking a noob question.
It is then surely in everybodies best interest's to give this a sticky, so people see it when first going into the Air sub-section.
My reason for this is to get everybody to say where they get there bottle's filled and for how much. In time this will build up for the whole country and hopefully help us all. We might be happy traveling to place A to refill, but not know that place B is closer/cheaper.
Also some 'ballers might just have empty tanks until there next game because they don't know where to go to refill. And even worse might be afraid to ask, as feel they are asking a noob question.
It is then surely in everybodies best interest's to give this a sticky, so people see it when first going into the Air sub-section.