So you guys want this a one day event with Paintball markers vs Airsoft guns?
Lol sounds like a laugh but i just want to make sure everyone will be happy with the differences between the guns etc?
I get the impresion that the AEG's have far more ammo, range and a greater ROF and accuracy? but the Paintballers may not take the hits (not cheating) due to the fact they are used to being smashed up by 6lbs of force from larger paintballs as opposed to the (max of 3lbs?) from 0.22mm bb's in airsoft.
shall we put that down to Ga'oul shield technology? lol.
Personally i'll be trying upgrade my gun to 0.45 heavyweight BB's for this game so you should feel those easy enough and the reduced range i get will probably be fair if the Paintballs are shorter range and more inacurate as i've been told.
Also i've been told body armour and more than 2 layers of clothing aren't allowed.
Most of us wera a fair few levels of clothing including rigging or Tac Vests as we need somewhere to hold our Ammo, Mags, Guns, Gas and Pyros etc. How would that go?
I'm letting people in the Airsoft forums know that the Paint is some Vegetable dye paint that washes out easily but i've also warned them that there are some Rogue brands that DO STAIN (Seem to be predonmenantly Pink?).
Of course i've warned them not to bring any prize kit along and I'd ask the Paintballers to respect we are taking part in this for fun and to avoid using dodgy paint if possable.
Basically i'm looking to clear up a few questions that may come up from both sides of the fence and set some ground rules for the game.
I suppose also the Airsoft Vs Paintball kind of matches in with the Scenario (Different Weapon technologies ^_^)
And i take it you would prefer this to some 2 day or split weekend event (One day airsoft one day PB) as i'm sure some people would be able to make one event and not the other

To compensate for that I'm sure that if an Airsofter wanted to try changing teams for a few rounds for a taste of PB and visa versa as we are on grounds that caters for both games we will be able to get a rental out or swap with another player?
I'll try to bring along any spare AEG's i have available in case any Paintballers want to have a go at handling one for a few games.