I have had my Xtra for around 2 years and I have come to like its field strip speed and shooting speed. I have used a 12V Revolution Hopper on it and shoots super fast, many people using Impulse's etc (my next marker) say how unbelievebly fast you can rattle off shots. I have all stock parts except for the barrel (freak) and it shoots fine.
Not to frighten the newbies or new buyers, I have since "outgrown" the marker as it won't keep up with my pace of play and you get alot of velocity problems and as o-rings wearing out quicker than usual which is common on such a marker using CO2 (a.k.a. "the dirty gas").
I am now buying my Impulse (2002), ND Delrin Bolt, Tapeworm and blade trigger. I hope Its worth the cash as I have already taken a home study course to be a own Impulse tech.
Good Luck Spyder Xtra Buyers