"Rodeo Pete Robbo" stayed on the bull for 27secs - very stylish and fun to watch
Will post where to pay donations to in the next couple of days
Donations on the evening from bull riders £49.65
Hmmm, unless I am very much mistaken Mr Bull, the actual time was 37 of the longest seconds of my life ..... I'm pretty sure everybody there would have loved to seen me fired into orbit after a couple of seconds but alas it was not to be; fate intervened and Super-glued my ass to the back of that buckin' bull [that's rhyming slang by the way].
Prior to me jumping on the back of that mechanical monstrosity, the guy who was in charge of the Bucking Bronco took one look at me as I waited nervously to mount the beast and gave me some wonderful words of encouragement, he said,
'Oh dear, you're foooked mate [he was a norven slag],
a guy your size ain't got no chance; it's all about your centre of gravity' he advised encouragingly.
'Oh Cheers' I thought to myself,
'and many thanks for the advanced physics lesson Mr Bronco Einstein but I'd kinda prefer to be encouraged as against being told I had zero chance of staying on.
I ignored his own peculiar brand of support and tried to think of the money going toward the kids [NSPCC] and hoped my destiny precluded anything that would make me look stoopid; mind you, I have no doubt the baying mob that surrounded the bronco would have much rather see me catapulted into the Russian space station but thankfully I resisted that invitation and everybody's a winner.
Oh, and thanks to Spike for being my outrider, he went on first to give me an idea of what to expect from the buckin beast .....I'd like to think it made a difference
Thanks to everyone for turning up at the Fed Cup and making it a great event for everyone who was there.