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Speedy (DM4) Chip Review


Jul 1, 2002
London, UK
C'mon, if the guy's too weak to play paintball without a chip playing for him, and too stupid to realise that at $300 he's been ripped off, you can't expect him to actually participate meaningfully in a debate, can you?

I'll bet he gets all the girls, though.
A really fun way of deterring the cheaters would be for refs to carry a few stock dm4 chips around with them.

Then when they think someone has one of the dodgy chips (and if some kid worked it out, it must be pretty obvious) they take out his chip and waggle all the legs off, then give him a stock chip.

If he cries like a girlie like im sure eastcoastkilla2k4 would then you assume you have just destroyed his $300 chip.

If its was a stock chip to begin with then nothing has changed.

PS for the record i have the PIC in my angel not dm4 and its completely legal.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Holy Johan Cruyff! I seem to have stumbled into a field that's full of high horses!

C'mon guys, get your heads out of your asses please. All this holier than thou I don't cheat crap is getting on my nerves. Particularly this **** about people with cheat boards not having any skills, I'm sure those guys over in the NXL will agree with you while they're busy blasting you in the face.

As far as the rip off part is concerned, who gives a fukk? Paintball gear is always expensive, and if he's willing to pay that much for it, that's his choice, not yours.

This sort of thing, as said previously, happens in all sports. You'd be impressed by the amount of times I broke the rules when I played American football. Did it get me anything? Well, I won more games than I lost, sometimes I got penalised, sometimes I intimidated the guy I was going after. It did get me a starting position in every team I ever played for, and several championship awards. It happens people, grow the fukk up.


Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by Buddha 3
What's this?
I expected the flame grilling to come a-swingin' from the we-don't-cheat society.... but nothing!

Buncha pussies....:D
Yeah, like we're gonna flame the fun police (even when they are siding with an idiot). Wouldn't make a difference anyway, all we're gonna hear from the cheaters is "everybody's doing it", there's always justification for it. We could go back and forth for another 200 posts and accomplish nothing, if you're a cheater, you're a cheater. No amount of convincing is gonna change that.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by dr.strangelove
We could go back and forth for another 200 posts
Isn't that what we always do? Why stop now?

All I'm saying is that despite all the hallelujah types that preach cheating is wrong, it does yield results.
What I'd like to know is why do some people make a bigger fuss over it in painball than in other sports? Why would cheating be any better or worse in other sports?

And if you don't agree with me, I won't use my TFP powers, unless you're acting like a prick.


New Member
Apr 25, 2003
London, UK
Originally posted by Buddha 3
All I'm saying is that despite all the hallelujah types that preach cheating is wrong, it does yield results.
And? Its still a moral issue wheather you choose to break to rules in order to win. Of course you gonna get hallelujah types bitching about it, it offends their sensabilites.

What I'd like to know is why do some people make a bigger fuss over it in painball than in other sports? Why would cheating be any better or worse in other sports?
I think the IOC takes the 'most fuss over cheats award'. Banning people for 5 years for taking the wrong cough medicine.


There is a difference - Jay intimidating an opponent or battering a judge might get him fined, suspended, his team penalty pointed etc.

A chipped up gun could, potentially, lead to the NPPL being thrown out of a venue and Paintball never allowed to return to it; the company who insures the events raising their premiums or refusing to get involved altogether; and potentially legal action...cities and states have moved to have Paintball outlawed before, why give them more grist to their mills?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by duffistuta
There is a difference - Jay intimidating an opponent or battering a judge might get him fined, suspended, his team penalty pointed etc.

A chipped up gun could, potentially, lead to the NPPL being thrown out of a venue and Paintball never allowed to return to it; the company who insures the events raising their premiums or refusing to get involved altogether; and potentially legal action...cities and states have moved to have Paintball outlawed before, why give them more grist to their mills?
Ah, now there is a good point. I just don't buy into that Walt Disney it ain't good sports ethics hooplah. If you're breaking laws rather than rules, you're moving into a whole different area.

As far as your first point goes, people get away with it more often than not. There's only so much a ref can see whan you have 9 250lbs + guys in a big pile up....:D (shame we have no evil grin smiley). These guys take calculated risks. A 15 yard penalty (which is very severe) is worth it if it means the other team's quarterback will spend the rest of the game looking over his shoulder. And a $25K fine is nothing to these cats, they have more money falling out of their pockets when running for the bus.

Stark, how many contestants in the Olympics do you think use stuff that's on the naugty list? More than 80% dude. And you can bet your boots that this percentage goes up if you only look at the higher placings. The percentage that gets caught is minimal, the IOC knows this. I'm not saying that we should not try to catch cheaters, I'm saying is that we seem to make a bigger deal out of it then it is.

And shame on you all for letting Duffy be the only one with a good point.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Whatever the moral ambiguity of cheating and ramping boards, you can only be a cheater if you're caught. Since people are openly disregarding the semi only rules, one can only assume there is not really an appetite to do anything about it by the appropriate bodies ergo even saying your cheating ain't worth the bandwidth he's saying it in. It's de-facto legal now. If what Duff is saying is a valid concern, surely the appropriate individuals would actually do something about it no?

What I find strange is, firstly the holier than thou crowd are either convicted cheats or people who've been rewriting chips and code for their own guns. I'm pretty sure all guns leave the factories with a semi only option, why tamper with this? What, not convinced that WDP, Race etc can produce a Semi-only mode themselves or can you write a better semi only option????