True but it does go to show that just 'cos hopper A feeds at a manufacturers quoted rate doesn't mean that the user can get those figures...makes a mockery of all these people who claim to be able to outshoot their hoppers. Quoted rates are just that, ideal world figures. What is the WAS board, capable of...66.66666 shots a second, I know the clever electronics are there to smooth things out but I do have to say that the makers explaination of how the board works sounds an awful lot like the description of the SmartParts Turbo board. Which I know it doesn't have "turbo" before anyone jumps but technical gobbley gook will always blind people and just 'cos something is capable of doing something rarely means it will happen. Albeit at a slower rate there are some regular mags that can cycle and fire very fast but many that can't and some of those "fast" markers can be put in the hands of one person who can get it to fly and then the next person just can't get the same performance. I suppose it comes back to the old saying that keeps coming up that " it is the person pulling the trigger not the marker". A fast marker certainly "helps" but you still have to pull the trigger.
Oh and edit for any mods reading this...this thread now looks more like a speak your brains thread now so maybe a move is in order?