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Southern UK Tourneys


been there, done it.....
Sep 24, 2001
Off the field, way off
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Midlands Masters

We are running round 5 of our increasingly popular 5 man series at The Paintball Jungle Nottingham on the 28th April, Ltd paint BYO, so shouldn't be too expensive, places are limited and are going fast.There will be Sup-Air, and unique woodland fields.

To book in or to find out more contact us on 07714 907911 or 07714 061235. Alternatively email us midlandsmasters@aol.com

Diablo paint is available on the day ring for special tourny deals
Les 01743 235976.

Round 4 of the Midlands Masters is bought to you in conjunction with Diablo,Rekka,PGI, Warped Sports,Paintball Jungle, WDP, Just Paintball, and JSM Engravers.

Book in now to avoid dissapointment.

NB. We're taking bookings for our two day event in late Sept.

As always ran by players for players.

well we are at maiden head and the apocalypse boys played our last five man if that helps so to did corrosion all your neck of the woods.

We are having a 3 man sunday 14th of april all sup air and 5 mans in june and september so get on touch if you are up for it. We do have an entry league just for new teams which has been very well suported so far and is all new players no pros. Been there done that got the welts lol;)


Rob Giffin

New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Hertford, UK
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Cheers for the info sparklie.

Sound a great idea, I'll speak with the rest of the team and we'll be in contact.

Where are corrosion based?

Have you got a web site with any more info?



"Purple Warriors"
yes we have web sitessssssss

the www.diablopaintballing.com is having a facelift again and I have to get my tecy guys to up date it. but drop me a line and I have info packs waiting:D

Apocalypse and corrosion are great bunch of guys so to are all the teams that play with us so get in touch and meet the sociable side of paintball;)

peace love big hugs and cookies
