Midlands Masters
We are running round 5 of our increasingly popular 5 man series at The Paintball Jungle Nottingham on the 28th April, Ltd paint BYO, so shouldn't be too expensive, places are limited and are going fast.There will be Sup-Air, and unique woodland fields.
To book in or to find out more contact us on 07714 907911 or 07714 061235. Alternatively email us
Diablo paint is available on the day ring for special tourny deals
Les 01743 235976.
Round 4 of the Midlands Masters is bought to you in conjunction with Diablo,Rekka,PGI, Warped Sports,Paintball Jungle, WDP, Just Paintball, and JSM Engravers.
Book in now to avoid dissapointment.
NB. We're taking bookings for our two day event in late Sept.
As always ran by players for players.