![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
9. They all contain the "ough" part of a word but are none are pronouced as the same sound.Originally posted by sie2050
9.What is very unusual about the following words? BOUGH COUGH DOUGH ROUGH THROUGH
last but not least
10. While playing with a metal washer shaped like a ring, Dave accidently pushed it on his finger too far and couldn't get it off. Trying to remove it using soap and water didn't work. The hospital sent him to a service station thinking they could cut the metal. Since the ring was made with a specially hardened steel, it couldn't be cut. Just then Brad arrived on the scene and suggested an easy way to remove the washer in just a few minutes. What was his solution?
there ya go gaz work those bad boys out
10. My thought of this is to run his hand under cold water, his hand shrinks and it slides off but that is wrong,
Maybe his is a mob man so he cuts his finger off and sends it to his wife as a message.....