For various reason the main one being my team is now miles and miles .................................. and miles away from my front door, I feel the need to move down to England (wow neva thought I d say that)
Anyway yeah I am seriously considering moving South, but have no idea bout where to go or how to start.
A town or city near Nottingham would be Iain Beale (ideal), as that's where I train.
So if any1 knows of any1 looking for a roomie, or a flat thats avail to rent please either post here or PM me.
Also obvioulsy I can't work in Scotland and Live in England, so am looking for a job also, any help is really appreciated boys. Any sort of office work or indeed factory work, as long as I can make training (weekends) and it isn't cleaning toilets or sumthin am cool with.
Again guys anythin you've got will help, got alot to figure out so your help would be top knotch.
Your humble Mak D
Anyway yeah I am seriously considering moving South, but have no idea bout where to go or how to start.
A town or city near Nottingham would be Iain Beale (ideal), as that's where I train.
So if any1 knows of any1 looking for a roomie, or a flat thats avail to rent please either post here or PM me.
Also obvioulsy I can't work in Scotland and Live in England, so am looking for a job also, any help is really appreciated boys. Any sort of office work or indeed factory work, as long as I can make training (weekends) and it isn't cleaning toilets or sumthin am cool with.
Again guys anythin you've got will help, got alot to figure out so your help would be top knotch.
Your humble Mak D