...or maybe because for many teams this is their first outing at a tournament, and as is often the case with starter teams, a full squad could not be pulled together for whatever reason?Originally posted by sjt19
And before anyone says it isnt the case, why do you think there have been odds and sods judging together instead of a whole team doing it.......cos the teams are playing thats why.
I do respect them for stepping in at the last minute, but then all that respect disappears faster than a Kipling slice in front of Piper when they do a bad job.Originally posted by QuackingPlums
Surely having the determination to help out and marshal an ungrateful bunch of 'ballers with no incentive, money or otherwise, is something to respect, not deride?
NO! Spliting teams up does not work, for the plain and simple reaon that etams gel and trust each other. We marshalled the Dunstable leg well cos we were there in force as a team with no outsiders on the field. If you noticed we only had 6 marshalls on field all day, whereas the otehr fields had 7 or 8. You can have a bunch of players pushed together but they will never do a good a job as an experienced team of marshalls.Originally posted by QuackingPlums
Entire teams HAVE been available to Sparklie, but when the only bodies available have been inexperienced ones, then the more experienced marshals have had to be spread out across all the fields.
er.....everyone knows who the good judging teams are, there is enough experience of judging in the Millennium Series in Div 1 to last the whole series. Us, Tigers, Shockwave, Backlash, Outcast, Jaguars and Campaign Power have all judged a MS event this year, and teams like Tigers Am, Ecstacy, Sad would also all do a good job, so there you go 10 teams who would all do a great job. Each team has at least 9 players, if you had 3 fields per event then you would need 6 of these judges per field, and 18 per event. Get 2 of the above teams to turn up with 9 players, (thats 18 experienced marshalls in total), have 3 judges from each team join together and have the other 6 take a field. Then you wil have 6 judges of significant experience on each of the 3 fields. Problem solved. There are 5 legs of the series, which means that each team only needs to marshall one leg. SORTED. Pay them £100 each and they will turn up and do a fantastic job. Sparklie then gets more teams in to play and makes more money.Originally posted by QuackingPlums
and use the extra money to pay for these mystical super-marshals. Once we find them.
So what happens about the younger up-and-coming teams who want to learn marshalling, but need the guidance of the more experienced teams? Are you saying that when in the situation we were faced with on Sunday, that the one and only experienced marshalling team should be kept together, so that we have ONE good field, and let the other 3 flounder with inexperienced teams, which does nobody any good (maybe there were two, I don't remember) ? Surely the next best thing to having entire teams of experienced marshals on every field, is to have an experienced team sharing their experience and hopefully increasing the pool from which the next event's marshals can be picked from?Originally posted by sjt19
NO! Spliting teams up does not work, for the plain and simple reaon that etams gel and trust each other. We marshalled the Dunstable leg well cos we were there in force as a team with no outsiders on the field. If you noticed we only had 6 marshalls on field all day, whereas the otehr fields had 7 or 8. You can have a bunch of players pushed together but they will never do a good a job as an experienced team of marshalls.
Marshalls do not learn how to improve by judging with other marshalls. If there are people who wana become good judges then its not a hard thing to do. Be firm, authoratative, LEARN THE RULES (something that has been sorely lacking, and something there is NO EXCUSE for), and be prepared to get stuck in. it aint hard. Being a good judge comes naturally, in people's personalities. If they wana improve, watch how the judges stand, move, postion them selves, perform checks, call players neutral at Campaign Cup. Then they will learn how to do it, that can be their learning experience.Originally posted by QuackingPlums
So what happens about the younger up-and-coming teams who want to learn marshalling, but need the guidance of the more experienced teams?
Would have rather had one field that was good, than 4 fields that were on the wrong side of average.Originally posted by QuackingPlums
Are you saying that when in the situation we were faced with on Sunday, that the one and only experienced marshalling team should be kept together, so that we have ONE good field, and let the other 3 flounder with inexperienced teams, which does nobody any good (maybe there were two, I don't remember) ? Surely the next best thing to having entire teams of experienced marshals on every field, is to have an experienced team sharing their experience and hopefully increasing the pool from which the next event's marshals can be picked from?
It has already been shown how it could be afforded, increase each teams entry fee by around £50, thats about £6.25 per player (8 player squads), thats a drop in the ocean! Who woldnt pay an extra £6.25 for good judging. i would!Originally posted by QuackingPlums
I fully agree that with enough money, we could afford the likes of Shockwave and Ecstasy and Tigers and Outkast and... etc, but we don't.
But in every other respect Sparklie has built mini mllenniums, as you have just stated, the venue, organisation, surface is world class, shame for th judging not to be as good!Originally posted by QuackingPlums
As you've already made it clear, M25 isn't the milenniums, yet you're expecting a millenium-quality event. We already have nice venues with flat grass, no bare patches or weeds, decent netting (most of the time), and good facilities. Marshalling will come with time, and mostly will be from the inexperienced teams that are taking all the flak right now, as they gain that experience.
Why can't we give them that chance?
Originally posted by sjt19
But in every other respect Sparklie has built mini mllenniums, as you have just stated, the venue, organisation, surface is world class, shame for th judging not to be as good!
I wasnt attacking you! This thread was intended as a sugestion list for Sparklie, THATS ALL! I said nowhere that any judges were bad/good, i have stayed off that subject because i was not bothered by the judging on Sunday. I wanted to help out Sparklie and thought that other may like to contribute. You are defending yourself against nothing because i am not in any way attacking you. In that respect you are being a goober. I am not being arrogant at all, what do i have to be arrogant about?!?!? You dont know me and are unqualified to make such an accusation.Originally posted by cockersrule
not just defending myself, but fellow paintballers/marshalls![]()