That's a good link. Lots of decent stories about confused teams. Always a problem in rec ball. One time we were at Camo in Alton, and it was the last game of the day. We had to win to score a victory, and it was a lost team game. Our team had to hide in a random location, and hide from our opponents. Our enemy had to find us and touch our flag. We set up camp in some shrubbery, and waited. and waited. and waited....
Eventually a marshall came and told us what had happened. The other team had started out, got lost, and came across the other campaign that was being played that day. Apparently the team saw this big gunfight, for some reason thought it was us trying to hide (????) and attacked them!
The marshall told us to hurry down, and beat the enemy at their own game. We were told to shoot anyone not on our team. But by the time we got their, everyone was dead and highly confused. The black and yellow team, because a team of red guys attacked them out of nowhere, the red team, because they couldn't find out flag, and us because we couldn't believe the red teams stupidity. Anyway, we technically beat three teams in the same game without taking a single casualty. Amazing! (though not actually about sniping)