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Sneaky stuff


Lord of the Ringtones
Hey, don't put hard stuff in with your paint. Instead, replace gumballs at your office or Halloween candy with marballizer or Hellfire. It's by comparison harmless and can be really good for a laugh every now and then from that co-worker that really deserves it. There's a shade of BigBall that looks like Milk Duds or Whoppers (chocolate malted milk balls for those of you overseas that may not have those particular brands) that never fails.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
How can u call these cheatin? apart from the kneecappin, obviously. All the rest are just playin the initiative. have a look in your rule book buddy.


Old School, New Tricks
Dead Man's Walk : On one hand I agree it's not sportsmanline, but on the other if you're dumb enough not to check payers for dead status (plug / bag on muzzle, hands in teh air...) you deserve what you get.

And, there's a TON More sneaky tricks than just 'faking it'. Zen Player Bob is still a favorite of mine, and it's equally entertaning for the refs too. But I don't go around telling eveyone my bag of "Rat *******" tricks. :)
