Market issues now?
2 thoughts...
Firstly, the much-hyped Wrath/Ion showdown never happened. It's not quite the 2k bug thing - more the PS2 vs Xbox showdown. The 6 months following the release are critical to establish market superiority. The wrath has an almost impossible challenge to strike back - not least because of SP's budget and distribution nodes.
Secondly, for many players without preconceptions they represent an extraordinary deal - a cultural shift in paintball, where everything unnecessary was stripped away and CRITICALLY you're not charged for it.
There is, however, a scepticism amongst people who own higher end markers that it CAN'T be that good. I presume this is bitterness at them having paid too much for their own marker? Who knows? Still, this scepticism manifests in 4 or more ways -
(1) It will not last and will break in 6 months,
(2) It's a toy, not a real gun,
(3) The 17 bps cap is a problem,
(4) The lack of a field-strippable bolt is a problem
Whilst such 'criticisms' are levelled by people who have never played with the gun and are therefore based on ignorance, the Ion will find it hard to break into it's secondary market which is as a back up gat for high end players.