hey i was slightly mad then, and im full blown crazy mad now, used to love street luging my skateboard down big hills, man that was a rush, if i was near a big hill now id be very tempted to go have a bash again
must say luging is fun - but steep slopes are off my list - minis definately - now back to sliding
watch your knees - ash will tell ya - void on here but hes never on
i can honestly say that ive never done myself harm sliding (when playing/reffing paintball) you must all have pretty bad technique to be grazing knees or however you manage to damage yourselves.
Second thoughts are the worst at ruining your slides. Don't hesitate, just do it. Practice in a field somewhere so it becomes second nature, as a lot of skills in paintball should be.
I have tried this 'Superman' dive before. I tend to make it look like im just falling over, I cant help it.
I've seen people do it. On videos mainly. Not really seen anyone do in real life. Apart from my friend in the garden. But his was worse than mine....
The point is really to get your legs in the air. Keep the gun high so it doesnt smash to the floor and have your legs to be the last body parts to toach the ground.
Like I say. I've tried it before. But I simply cant do it.
I prefer doing a slide the opposite way. You seen the way footballers do slice tackles against the other team to get the ball.
I tend to do it like that. Its quicker. Less painfull and more reliable on where you end up!