It was a great tourney, and i had some good fun. We marshalled field 3 (Skirmish sup'air field) and were pleased with the results. Of course as it was paintball, the odd couple of mistakes were probably made but on the whole it went very well and the majority of players were well behaved and played with mutual respect.
There were some great games on the field, wich help make marshalling never a boring job to do. Thank god it was a limited paint even otherwise my welt collection would have been a lot more serious

. I was already a bit battered after the Big Game, but now i can hardly feel my left sholder
Could i just put a little mention to the guy who played on our field towards the end of the day who managed to seriously hurt his left (?) knee. I forget the team he was on but i hope he is ok and that he;s back playing soon. Resepct due to the other players on the field for not lighting him up and i tried to move him off the field.