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skirmish bank hols scramble


As if you had to ask I was the one walking round in cookie monster vest top after the games if you didn't stay on I was brunett with the plaits and flowers. My cookies are not cheep and involve much tlc. Bully tried bribing me with T shirt s for more and even he didn't get more that way. Cookies can be found at maidenhead site with me on accademy days ( 19th of may) and tourneys 5 man limited paint sup air woodland and cocept the village see thread near here;)

So sir if you are after my cookies come make freinds or vist me, I did bake 30 of them all lovingly by my own fair hand:)

John am busy doning wonders on site just wait for my hyper ball feild and I have two other woodland feilds you will like but not fit for tourneys just yet. Village has lots of cool ditches 15 houses the church and barrackes any one who hasn't seen it the little houses are 8 foot square and you can drive a tranny through the church Next tourny 3rd of june so if yu fancy a trip down south get in touch email me or call 01296 434 336

peace love haugs and cookies

busy building top feilds for customers but torney standard sparklie

see you in the middle;)

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
John (SAD TWO)

How on earth can you say that the self marshaling was a piss take.

You have a reduced entry fee (because marshals did not have to be paid).

You can only be marshaled by your own on higher division.

And as for your comment about players marshaling the worst idea ever concieved who if not players marshals you at any event you have been to !!.

You knew it was a self marshal event,You also knew it was a mixed event.

The site in question was voted last year to be the best in the UK.

So in future I suppose you would like to pay 15 pounds for the day be marshaled by anybody you want, spoonfed the dinner of your choice by scantly clad females and after the first prize has been presented to yourself to go with the player of the day award you of course would deserve because of your outstanding single handed display in the final and you could look forward to reading all about yourself in next months PGI.

And yes you are indeed correct in saying that a player was injured but can you tell me ANY event beside the series 2002 one's where the player's are insured at no cost to themselves.

I thank you.

PS John it might seem as though I am giving you some stick but it's only because it makes me mad when people complain about things for no valid reason :mad:

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
John (SAD TWO)

How on earth can you say that the self marshaling was a piss take.

You have a reduced entry fee (because marshals did not have to be paid).

You can only be marshaled by your own on higher division.

And as for your comment about players marshaling the worst idea ever concieved who if not players marshals you at any event you have been to !!.

You knew it was a self marshal event,You also knew it was a mixed event.

The site in question was voted last year to be the best in the UK.

So in future I suppose you would like to pay 15 pounds for the day be marshaled by anybody you want, spoonfed the dinner of your choice by scantly clad females and after the first prize has been presented to yourself to go with the player of the day award you of course would deserve because of your outstanding single handed display in the final and you could look forward to reading all about yourself in next months PGI.

And yes you are indeed correct in saying that a player was injured but can you tell me ANY event beside the series 2002 one's where the player's are insured at no cost to themselves.

I thank you.

PS John it might seem as though I am giving you some stick but it's only because it makes me mad when people complain about things for no valid reason :mad:

Me and my team may be the only one who feels like this but quite honestly we'd rather pay the extra than marshall.

Id pay even more for the scenario that you described

The site is absolutely brilliant, loads of room, nice food FREE BREWS :D Hyperball and SupAir all mint.
I just dont think the woods fields as they are are tourney standard, they could be but they arent.

I really enjoyed the tourney I guess i should be a bit more constructive with my criticism.

PS Its NoXcuse not Sad Too anymore, if anyone from sad objects to me keping this name then ill re-register but as far as i know i cant change my name from John[SAD].


New Member
Jul 15, 2001
robin hood country
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Skirmish Scramble

Glad u guys & gals had a good day, You have a valied point with the fields & car parking. In an ideal world I would like a multi story car park in the middle of the wood to accomadate all my customers, however I can't.

I can't extend the excisting car park,. our only opition is to use the tracks. But who knows who will qualify for the finals, I know people have long journeys ahead but if all players stayed 2 watch the finals & the awards, then all left at the same time there would not be a problem.

The woodland field are set out for normal rental customers which are the life blood of our sport, 99% of all tourney players start there and without these people paintball would die within 12 months. The holes in the barricades are for these people to see through, to poke there guns through & to give them a degree of saftey. If all the barricades where solid u would get muggings galore and all the problems that go with them ( most tourney players accept this as part of the sport, A stag group from east end of london being mugged by a spotty 17 year old will not, )

In an ideal world the tourney venue would have a massive car park, 6 plus concept fields, full on site catering, hotel & bar, 6 plus full time fully trained tourney marshalls per field, first aid room, helicopter landing pad, flood lit pitches for dark days and of course a sliding roof in case it rains.....and go bust in the first month.

Tourneys are good fun, I still love playing, running & marshalling them after 16 years, woodland or concept, but hey guys lets not forget paintball's roots. Its with the normal rental customers & all tourney players are purely a bye product of them.;)
hi john sorry to thread hiest

dates accademy are set every 3 months to allow for not clashing with other events and princaple staff, so may 19th june 23rd and July 21st.

As you may or may not know this years tourneys are fun freindly events, If I had more support from the players I would run more! For some reason they don't want cookies, great food, real toilets, good parking and great marshalls ( not knocking you guys, but this is the team that trains the ukpsf I have lured them out of their arm chairs with cookies!) brilliant atmoshpre. Lord I am even threating bikini top if sunny, nice pink camo number lol ;)

I am still working on M25 leauge just cause I am not making noise dose'nt mean I am not working on it. I shall be waiving big fat chicken pie around;) and prodding the people involved.

We will be having another 5 man in september and if you the players want it and support it one after that.

hope this helps and sorry for thread heisting

peace love hugs and cookies
