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skirmish bank hols scramble


New Member
Aug 31, 2001
north yorkshire
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just like to say a big thanks to nick for an exelent site and all the organisers for an exelent days paintball
big heartfelt sympathy to thoes injured players and hope you get well soon....
thanks to the marshals of our games job well done and hope our marshaling on field two was up to scratch.....lol lookin forward to june paintball park hope to see you all there..

just one downfall with the day was the parking we were sat for an hour and haif stuck behind someones car waiting to get off maybe if some gaps were left between lanes or something so no matter where you are you can get out??? just one thought
otherwise realy enjoyed the day

mr meaner


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001
Yep ill second that, a truley enjoyable day (apart from the obvious injuries)
Well run and everyone was in a good mood .
Sad too were playing in division C, they were playing well but were hit by a few penalty points for over agrresive play or something, plus they missed their marshalling.
Their team was: Matt, Mart, Stu, Pika, and two more whose faces I cant put names to at this moment !!!
I was suprised that u weren't there Chris m8 :mad:

There were quite a few injuries, I'm pretty sure none of them were serious, Stu from Sad Too was back and playing before the end of the day :)

The day was good but that self marshall thing was a piss take.

Swapping marshalls on a field is bad enough, but making players marshall is probably the worst idea ever concieved.

The players may have had no marshalling experience and why would players be bothered about marshalling properly when they arent geting paid and need to conserve enerygy for their next game, its daft!

But apart from that and the **** woods fields it was a top notch tourney (getting to shoot out a couple of ex teammates really made my day :D :D .)

twinkle toes

Spud eating?? Never!!!
Sep 14, 2001
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John , when you say "**** wood fields" , do you mean that the fields were **** ( layout or whatever )? or is it just **** that you had to play woodland fields instead of just concept?

Just wondering , not having a go. If you think the fields are **** , please try and explain why. Hopefully it can be put right then.

Thanks. :D .


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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I thought the woods fields were very good, took me back to when I was young & all tournaments were woodland. Nice size, decent number & good variety of barricades, just about right & really enjoyed the one I played.

I get the feeling that many current players haven't ever really played tournament games in the woods, hence the comparatively large number of recent injuries on woods fields. It takes different skills which some people have never really had the chance to develop, plus you need to be much more aware of your surroundings e.g. tree stump, fox & rabbit holes, nasty prickly thorns, branches at neck height on running lanes.

Anyway, all the Chicks had a fantastic day. Great site, wonderful facilities, super teams to play.
Great tourney and I do have to agree with Liz what I saw of the wood land only one feild, was good nice size not too big lots of cover.

We did get a few bad calls with the marshalling but with the lack of experience of some of the teams it is to be expected, and being in divison E there were new teams as well. Not every one wants to marshall every weekend or is UKPSF trained.

It dose keep the cost down and if you watch whats going on gives you an inside veiw of the feilds and how they are playing.

I acctually really enjoyed my marsahlling and would have quite happly done more, My boys came to cheer me on and just to watch as they were all speachless when I said I was leaving the kitchen and playing.

I would like to thank dogie and buff on behalf of the chicks and my self for helping out all day, guesting the last game and giving the girls a break by doing their marshalling spots.

Great first day back after too long see you in the middle

peace love hugs and cookies

Yeah i meant they were bad examples of woods fields; punter fields really which is fair enough cos thats how the site makes its money for most of the year.

Really its the small things that got to me, like the holes in the barricades. It would take 10 mins on each barricade with some junk wood to sort them out and it would really stop the games going stale.
Also the tree stumps could do with being dug out as it could get really dangerous.
Its not much really just a few more crawling lanes, trenches! I havent played a field with a decent trench down the tape for years!!!
Just something to help the team who want to push and win.
Where's my Cookies

As a fellow division E player, I am gratified by the excellect level of hugging with "Firestorm Red" managing to get cuddles off a couple of all male teams (I mean, you have to take them when you can, you never know where tha next one is coming from) but I feel robbed ......... robbed, Sparklie chick played and we did not get any free cookies :confused: which one was you by the way?

Great day, poor parking, well done 6E's on the tin ware (Our time will come) see you all next time I hope :D


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001
Twinkle , The Woodland fields where a lot better than the netted field (in my opinion) the one to the left of the base was great. We managed to max it both times in under 4minutes, the other woodland field was a bit big, with a few too many holes in the bunkers which made it hard to break it open. (Perhaps blocking the holes on the tape bunkers would have made it easier) then at least people could flush out the hole pokers!!

Thanks for the hopper, apart from the hole in the back :( it was cool :p

Looking forward to another Skirmish day.
