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When I played paintball a few times when I was about 14-15 I got a razorback pump for my birthday.I couldn't really afford to play as I'm not a rich boy so I didn't play after I got the gun.
Five years later and I'm 20.
I done a few jobs and got a wedge of money.I looked on the web at paintball gear etc and I thought..****! This is some high tech stuff!
So I looked through a load of magazines and web pages until I decided on the impulse.A fairly expensive and decent gun.Especially for a newbie.I knew I loved the game and I knew that if I got a nice marker then it would be more incentive to play.Especially when it costs you a few bob.So I've been balling a good three times in my later years:) and I love my gun and the game.I don't think the gun compensates in any way for my lack of skill and experience and I dont expect it to give me "insta-game".If anything it makes me want to be a better player and try to live up to my gun :)
plus,SOme people think... what's the point in spending £200 on a spyder or tippman just so next year I'll probably want to move up a notch and get a better gun.
What the f**k do you mean "clog up the lower ends of teams"? Isn't that like saying someone doesn't have the right to suck at a sport they enjoy?
You get the damn taxi.
boys chill

Please scottish pray tell who's scottish?

Sadly for the rest of us once in a while comes along the "natural" When I started clogging up novice teams my team were told not to try to change me just let me do my thing, by the site owner. He of oh many years long in the tourney secne and not the only one. Sadly my team then did as so many split.

I didn't just want to play with any one, I wanted that bond you get from a tight team. Ok well me and a really good tape player (no longer in the game wife kids force sale)

Then I got busy with my site gave it lots of TLC and since then I hace seen other naturals. They need a bit of help and odd bit of advice. I sure wish some one had given me some :eek:.

Skill is a wonderfull thing and I do understand excatly were you are coming from. With bikes you have to past tests before they let you at crazy speed. Fast cars all you need is a basic licence no skill test needed how many wasted machines on the road?

From what I have seen a lot of player blame the marker when they don't get the results :( they don't spend the time finding out what is right for them and then working on the skills. They just keep getting flashier toys. Angels aren't the most accurate gun. Yer loads of advertising and very high profile and you can't get into heaven with out one.

Paintball as we all know is about looking a good game, it's half the game. If your an un known team you will be judged on your kit. I still chuckle at my early days sorry boys not pumps only 4 years back, going out with a very tatty old site spyder not even a bottom line on it. I didn't care it and I played the same game and a flashy toy was just heavy and I didn't have a clue how to work it un like old and tatty. The moral is I still took out players with flashy toys i was raley 1st in the dead box and I loved it:D

If nothing else there is nothing worse (in some players eyes) than being taken out by a girl (flowers in her hair;) ) shooting an old site gun and on co2. Funnier still when you have 3 of them pinned in still moving up the feild on them and mug one lol

Sparklie belives in skill, spray and pray only works if you can keep all the opposition tucked into their barrakade and staying there. Not fun game, dead booring and I have the ani dote now thanks very much leon :D

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
Thank Gawd I have every right to suck............at sport;)

Skull when I marshalled you the other week you played some good ball so don't let the others get you down, so yo umay not be a La Soya, but heck does it really mater.

Yea kids these days are in with the high end markers. So are Dynasty clogging up the low end teams? Quite.

We all start somewhere and Zac when you started (like budda said) the mag was as good as it got and so you wanted it.

So the crawling pump player can make it to bunker the IR3 well yes in the woods, try that on some sup'air.

Sup air is fast and lots of paint but just as much skill involved in different ways its the fact you have to know when to move etc etc etc


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Time for an old back player to jump in here & sound off I think. Firstly, NO rate of fire will compensate for being cr@p - what's the point in shooting 15 bps if none of them are on target? However, if you have 2 players of equal skill and one is playing with an old slow marker and the other is playing with an IR3 or an Impy, the edge will go with the player who can shoot faster.
Secondly, the importance of how fast you can fire depends on where you play on the field - front players tend to need to snap shoot 3-4 balls only whereas a back player needs to shott as fast as possible, especially when you try to sweet spot the opposition on the break. Think about it - game on called, you have maybe 10 seconds before the opposition front guy gets to his barricade. If you fire slowly you'll get off maybe 25 shots in that time spaced well apart by the time they get to the far side of the field. Then think about 150 shots in the same time - they will be much, much closer together when they get to the other end of the field & you have a much higher chance of hitting the opposing players.
To get back to the arguement that newbys shouldn't be "allowed" to have high-end markers though, surely they are at enough of a disadvantage 'cause they lack the necessary skills already without having to play with "inferior" equipment. Sounds to me like sour grapes 'cause someone who didn't have a super duper electro (can't afford one or too tight with money) got smacked badly by someone with top of the range kit!
LOL Liz! Wicked post!:D
Cheers Tom Tom, that makes me feel better:)
All it takes is practice,patience and pointers like the ones you and the big man gave us and you can only get better."Things can only get better!" As that band said once.
Are you gonna be at academy on sunday TomTom?And why are you selling your impulse?!:mad:
That's a shame :( , I hope you find it a good owner.
I wanted to go on saturday to play with thunder,but I've made work commitments.But I will try and get up there for the saturday after if my money aint too tight.
I doubt u'll have trouble selling ur imp as a whole but if you get desperate I'll take the bolt and hammer off you for a few $.