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Sites in kent

Jun 6, 2010
I have been a marshal at multiple sites for many years, firstly i have to see if we are talking about the same site, it is the one literately 5 mins out from canterbury? also by unsafe i mean they give safety briefs with loaded un socked markers in front of big groups of people who are not wearing masks. The large C02 canisters are not chained down or in a gas cage, they are also located right next to where customers fill in paper work. ( just to show you how dangerous a C02 "bottle rocket" is watch this video
bear in mind that this is only a 20oz bottle). I also watched one of the marshals fix a gun by lubing it with orange squash and his own spit. i would say they are far from professional and really need to be reviewed[/quote

l would love to know how you know so much about the ins and outs of paintballing but have no idea about common courtesy or professional courtesy for that matter. If it were me with your great experience in the game i would have opted for a quiet word not a ful scale slating on an open forum. In any case i think out of the many sites i have played this is one of the better ones and not to mention that they have many other sites located all over that also have the correct paperwork and training in place not sure what (literately) means ?


Active Member
Aug 4, 2009
I have been to the site near canterbury and I thought the safety was fine, also it's certainly not small, maybe talking about a different site?
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2013
Perhaps we are talking about different sites here. And i have played and worked at many mayhem sites and they have been great, its just this one specifically sticks out to me as terrible. First of all is this the site we are talking about http://www.mayhemsoutheast.com/Canterbury.html.

As for my full scale slating on an open forum. This is my opinion on a site in kent, the idea of the thread was to recommend good sites, i just pointed out this site as a particularly bad one in my opinion. Also your making this sound very personal to you, like your might have something do with the running of this site?
I never mentioned they didnt have the correct paper work but i can definitely vouch for a lack in training after receiving none myself and having friends who currently work there who were just thrown into the deep end with no training what so ever.
Jun 6, 2010
my suggesting is definitely do not come to a mayhem site near canterbury, its terribly unsafe and very small
firstly you claim to have been a marshal on multiple sites for many years. This would make you an authority on paintball activities right? Then why would you join a forum that is in many peoples eyes the paintball forum in the uk on the 8th december 2013 and one of your first posts is to say negative things about a paintball business? For the record i am nothing to do with them nor do i marshal i just play i would be inclined to agree that maybe someone may have a reason or 2 as to comment ( do not come to a mayhem site near canterbury, its terribly unsafe).if they were something to do with it and had bones to pick but its not me lol also its Christmas man why try and end somebodys job? Like i said a quiet word would of done not a cowardly rant on www

Tom Davey

New Member
Jan 18, 2014
As the owner of Mayhem South East, I feel I should respond to the comments made on this forum and to the question "can anyone recommend a good site"

Firstly I refute entirely the claims made against us in this forum, which quite honestly borders on libellous. That said, I take any complaint seriously and would ask the person to give dates when he alleges these took place.

Marshals are trained and are given training in progress tasks, for example they are marshals but they are working with experienced marshals - they are not left to work to their own devices.
I am more than happy to state our safety record is exemplary at the Canterbury centre - there have been no serious incidents whatsoever, and am happy for any reviews or inspections to take place. This is an accredited venue of the UKPSF

The gas cylinders are stored in the upright position in a purpose built part of the safe zone which are held in place by 3 large pieces of strong timber which are checked and changed routinely. In 25 years there has not been one single incident, minor or otherwise and has been passed as acceptably safe by the UKPSF

In terms of the gun demonstration, no guns are permitted into the safe zone with the one exception of the manger demonstrating the marker against the designated target board before the 1st game commences. This is done safely and by the most competent of persons - ie the manager. This is set out in the UKPSF code of practice for site owners

I will look into the claim of orange juice and spittle been used to lubricate the guns. I can't believe why anyone would do that but I take the claim seriously.

I am more than happy to provide my personal number on this forum if the person would like to legitimately talk to me or I will happily meet in person at the site. I would ask that further unfounded allegations of the site been unsafe are not made as they are simply untrue and this fact is backed up by our safety record which I am happy to provide on this forum.

I would like to thank Ben for bringing this to my attention, he doesn't work for me, and never has. He plays at Canterbury on a regular basis. So the comment it sounds like you work for them is inaccurate. Perhaps what is closer to the truth is it sounds like the person making the allegations is a competitor making unfounded allegations?

Lastly, the laughable claim the site is too small. I have 7 different playing zones set in 45 acres of woodland plus a large safe zone capable of hosting 150 people. That claim is quite honestly ridiculous.
If the person would like to discuss this further, please call me on 01634 683377 as I feel at present the comments are unfair and unjustified

Thank you

Tom Davey
Mayhem Paintball
Jun 6, 2010
As the owner of Mayhem South East, I feel I should respond to the comments made on this forum and to the question "can anyone recommend a good site"

Firstly I refute entirely the claims made against us in this forum, which quite honestly borders on libellous. That said, I take any complaint seriously and would ask the person to give dates when he alleges these took place.

Marshals are trained and are given training in progress tasks, for example they are marshals but they are working with experienced marshals - they are not left to work to their own devices.
I am more than happy to state our safety record is exemplary at the Canterbury centre - there have been no serious incidents whatsoever, and am happy for any reviews or inspections to take place. This is an accredited venue of the UKPSF

The gas cylinders are stored in the upright position in a purpose built part of the safe zone which are held in place by 3 large pieces of strong timber which are checked and changed routinely. In 25 years there has not been one single incident, minor or otherwise and has been passed as acceptably safe by the UKPSF

In terms of the gun demonstration, no guns are permitted into the safe zone with the one exception of the manger demonstrating the marker against the designated target board before the 1st game commences. This is done safely and by the most competent of persons - ie the manager. This is set out in the UKPSF code of practice for site owners

I will look into the claim of orange juice and spittle been used to lubricate the guns. I can't believe why anyone would do that but I take the claim seriously.

I am more than happy to provide my personal number on this forum if the person would like to legitimately talk to me or I will happily meet in person at the site. I would ask that further unfounded allegations of the site been unsafe are not made as they are simply untrue and this fact is backed up by our safety record which I am happy to provide on this forum.

I would like to thank Ben for bringing this to my attention, he doesn't work for me, and never has. He plays at Canterbury on a regular basis. So the comment it sounds like you work for them is inaccurate. Perhaps what is closer to the truth is it sounds like the person making the allegations is a competitor making unfounded allegations?

Lastly, the laughable claim the site is too small. I have 7 different playing zones set in 45 acres of woodland plus a large safe zone capable of hosting 150 people. That claim is quite honestly ridiculous.
If the person would like to discuss this further, please call me on 01634 683377 as I feel at present the comments are unfair and unjustified

Thank you

Tom Davey
Mayhem Paintball
your welcome

Tom Davey

New Member
Jan 18, 2014
your welcome
Just to let everyone know

Round 2 of the MSEpaintball Inter League Championship is this Saturday at our Redhill site. Teams are looking for 1 or 2 extra players so any walk on looking to play this Saturday can join in by phoning 01634 683377
Price just £35 per player which includes a box of paint!
Round 3 of the MSE Inter league is likely to be 09/03/14 at our Sidcup venue (TBC) so why not get your team together and take on some of our established sides...
Prices are guaranteed at £35 per player including a box of paint for all 8 of our meetings, which will be held at a different venue each time across the SouthEast

Look forward to hearing from you



Active Member
Sep 13, 2007
Just to let everyone know
Round 3 of the MSE Inter league is likely to be 09/03/14 at our Sidcup venue (TBC) so why not get your team together and take on some of our established sides...
Hi Tom. Whats the format of the MSE and how are the teams formed for it? How may players per team are you looking for?

Many thanks.