I think individual expression is a good thing--even in the cases where I could happily live without Garfield (I mean, c'mon, Philip, you really want 'ballers around the world associating you with Garfield?! ) but some limitiations are in order. I think sig pics like Manike's or Mark's or T-L's latest are fine as they don't gobble up space and take forever to load. Since avatars are limited it doesn't seem unreasonble to do the same to sigs regardlesss of content (except of course for the shameless shilling done on behalf of PGI Get your subscription now and get that tres kewl barrel bag!
KB or size limitations on sig lines is not unheard of. Personally, I get really peeved at the "dancing baby" one. Usually, however, the complaint is the actual "length" of a sig, the record being a 50 line sig of nothing bu text....
If it uses MY processor power, i dont wanna see it....that dancing baby makes my screen stutter way to much.
All the others are fine, most of the complaining people are the ones that are on here frequently, so the pics wont take too long to load since they will be in your cache.
Limit them to 399X60, 500X100 is overkill and requires lots of scrolling.
Yes you can turn sigs of but not sig pics, I want to see the sigfs as it often has relevent info in them like what team you play for etc, the one thing I hate about automags.org is the sig pics just looks I dunno tacky!
I think huge number of text lines in sigs are the worst because you keep going to read them in case they are part of posts. It takes more effort to ignore them and read the thread than it does to just skim over images.
Long text sigs are way worse than image sigs. As long as the images aren't huge...