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Should British Army upgrade?

Should we upgrade the rifle?

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Sep 29, 2008
Who the hell are you?? Contacts tend to happen @ about 800m away coz they have 7.62 and we have 5.56 and they know their range is far better than ours.

I've not once been contacted less than 500m away

i was the section 5 for woolwich arsenal,,,o_O as well as having been in the MOB..76th berkshire and westminster dragoons .. then the 92nd westminster dragoons,,,and over all about 30 years of firearm designing and proof testing,,,in and out of the MOD,,and for private companys,,

as well as the gun cam,,,the sniper periscope,,, the lead wall,< shipping > and a few other things and 5 years with the mcnally group,,on caseless rounds.

i think that i can safely speak about firearms,,dont you,,,more so than most...

god you lot look so young,,, he he..
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Contract Killer
Oct 24, 2007
i was the section 5 for woolwich arsenal,,,o_O as well as having been in the MOB..76th berkshire and westminster dragoons .. then the 92nd westminster dragoons,,,and over all about 30 years of firearm designing and proof testing,,,in and out of the MOD,,and for private companys,,

as well as the gun cam,,,the sniper periscope,,, the lead wall,< shipping > and a few other things and 5 years with the mcnally group,,on caseless rounds.

i think that i can safely speak about firearms,,dont you,,,more so than most...

god you lot look so young,,, he he..
Fair play. Combat seems to have changed since then though as i speak from what's happening now.


Sep 29, 2008
Fair play. Combat seems to have changed since then though as i speak from what's happening now.

Thats cool,, but you have to know,,and this may make you go..wow i did not know that,,,,300 meters in the designed contact range for every assult rifle made.
That is the standard nato contact range,,,, and all design on rifles has to fall with in this test... that a rifle can fire a 3 shot burst at a man size target ,and all 3 shots have to hit,,,

now heres is what is really going to blow your mind,,,, theres only one rifle that can do it,,even to this day... and thats the G11 caseless rifle,,,
and the main reason it can do it ,,is that it fires 3 rounds at the same time,, so it puts 3 rounds into the barrel..one behind the other.. and fires all 3 at the same time,,, told you this was going to blow your mind,,

but i did start this thread talking about assult rifles,,, not sniper rifles or sharp shooters,,and i did say..5.56 out to 300 meters..any futher and your need a 7.62 with a long barrel,,,,

i allso have some very clever ideas of my own,,, but not using caseless rounds,,,using 5,56,, no recoil at all,,and the bolt is delayed by magnets.< semi quantom locking >this means theres no gas tube.. like your sa80 or like many other rifles , . allso theres a weighted system that travels forward up the outside of the barrel to cancel recoil,,, and like all my other ideas and pojects in a bullpup layout,,,
with one of my famous kicked up stocks,,and with the magazine in the stock,,, carrys 60 rounds,,,

the bolt has no lugs on it,,,and has no need to spin or turn when locking,, this stops all side ways movement of the barrel crown,, or muzzel,, as your action no longer wants to twist against the action of the bolt,, add this to a forward moving weight,, that canels out any rearward recoil,,,

so you got a 5.56.. that is the size of a smg....has next to no recoil,,,but has the range of a assult rifle,,, this is the design bench mark that all companys try to reach,, in fact the yanks have a big fat prize fund for any one that can come up with a working version of above,, and falls within the 300 meter test..

and the the fund is worth about 10 million bucks,,, Oh yes,,,, its mine all mine,,,, yer i wish,,, Now you lot know why my paintball marker designs are so crazy....

But heres the crazy thing the british allso have a design fund for this kind of thing,,,,but it worth about 20 quid,,,and a can of spam,,,
us brits really dont invest in our selfs,,, we have some of the best inventors in the world,,,and it all starts with..man in shed,,,
makes me so sad,,,,

Now...the hard part finding someone with some cash to put up,,, oh well,,,,we keep looking,,

any way bud,,,,good luck out there,,, and keep the sand out of your crack,,, thank you for what your doing bud,,, god im gonna get all teary eyed now,,,


Sep 29, 2008
That twisting bolt to interlock the splines in the breach is the bain of my life!! Have you ever had to clean carbon out of that?!?! You need ninja fingers!!

Design something better!! lol

my design would have no lugs on the bolt at all,,, your only using lugs if you have a twisting bolt,,, and if you have a twisting bolt you have a twisting gun,,

And,,big tipp,, treat your lugs both female and male with teflon,,, if your armoury is worth its salt they should all ready be doing this for you,,,
and big tip two,, cant get teflon as your in the field,, use pencil lead,,, grate a pencil to make it all dusty .. then use the fine dust as a lube for your bolt,,,

sand wont stick to it,,, its a bit messy,, but boy is it the best lube,, oh yes,,
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Dec 29, 2012
Buckinghamshire milton keynes
Quote me if I am wrong but in the battlefield if you shoot someone and there dead that only takes one person out the fight if you hit someone and seriously injure them that takes 3 possibly more people out the fight to sort them out and stabilise them??

I always understood from what my squady friends tell me that's one of the reasons why 7.62 got reduced 5.56 ie slr to sa80


Nov 27, 2006
Quote me if I am wrong but in the battlefield if you shoot someone and there dead that only takes one person out the fight if you hit someone and seriously injure them that takes 3 possibly more people out the fight to sort them out and stabilise them??

I always understood from what my squady friends tell me that's one of the reasons why 7.62 got reduced 5.56 ie slr to sa80
The three primary reasons for the selected calibre are:
Military doctrine to occupy comrades immeadiately dealing with the injured, followed by further resources to get them back and care for them. (Wound not kill)
Typical contact ranges (no longer requiring maximum range)
Capacity to carry (smaller, lighter ammunition enabling the individual to carry more, plus less resources in the supply chain)

However if you are a Daily Mail reader you may have seen a poorly written article cobbled together saying the SAS want 7.62 to avoid just wounding the Taliban as they won't stop when wounded


Dec 29, 2012
Buckinghamshire milton keynes
Yer they smoke to much heroin ! I think its a case of agree to disagree, yes ultimatly you wana take out the target for good
But what good for you aint good for others , but then the sas mostly use m4 anyway.