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Shooting Ourselves in the Foot ?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Beaker

While I agree with your points on having more games with US teams is how we'll improve I am going to disagree on the accomodating thing.

There has to be a line somewhere, and sometime there will be things that work for and against certain interests. Unles a rule is watertight and transparent in meaning then it shouldn't go in the rule book (or be made up half way through a tournament :)).

and as for Portugal I am going to stick my neck out and say I think only 5 or possibly 6 of the US teams will qualify. Not least because with the new system there are likely to have to play each other a fair bit so a couple of bad results will put them out. It is also likely some Euro teams may get schedules with only 1 or 2 of the "easier" US teams.

Look at Max - Trauma walked it and failed the Finals cut, Bushwackers didn't even make it.

While I dont doubt the average dominance of US teams, I also think other aspects of the draw will mean Euro teams will get through.

BTW - as I still haven't managed to get through to you I think i will just speak to you in Portugal - much easier! :)

Hey Beak, u ain't sticking your neck out at all in saying 5 or 6 cuz that's what I would guess it at but the tendency is still there !!
But we (Euros) are scartching around for the left-over spots after some Yank team has screwed up.
Not an ideal situation to say the least.
I agree as to the nature of all rules but they don't have to be vague or ambiguous to be more accommodating, just better thought out.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Buddha, Buddha, Buddha

Originally posted by Buddha 3
Then why are we suddenly inclined to swallow all is thrown at us from the US? I have no idea, unless there is some ulterior motive involved that perhaps only a few promoters are privvy to (or at least those that vote in favor of such rulings). Jeez, I'm going all conspiracy theory-ish!
"Buddha, I am your father, join me and come over to the dark side" (just paraphrasing, you understand..)
Remember Mel Gibson in the movie "Conspiracy Theory." Just because you're crazy and paranoid doesn't mean you're not also correct.
But in this instance I don't think a conspiracy is necessary or even likely, sad to say. As the organizers of the two series have had more and more contact they have naturally concluded that between them they have world paintball sewed up and wherever possible are taking steps to integrate systems.

If we want to ensure an as large as possible number of spectators on finals day (and I'd say that most spectators, meaning people who only come to watch a certain team play, will show up on finals day, because than it gets real interesting, particularly when we get to the point of spectators having to pay an entrance fee), and thereby ensuring a larger revenue and more turnover for trade stands, fan stands, and those selling food and drink, we better make sure that we get as many teams in the finals as possible. It's simple really, more teams = more spectators once we get to the point of fans dedicated enough to just come and watch their team play...
However, Buddha, your conspiracy mindset needs quite alot of work. You're trapped in the present trying to imagine some Utopian tourney predicated on today's format. To break you of the nasty habit of perceiving what's around you as real I recommend you watch 'Dark City', 'Brazil' and 'Twelve Monkeys' all in a row. And that should take care of that.


PS--as to what Robo's on about why not alter the prelims for more games and skip the semi's and finals with high score winning out. Then the Euros could have a go with all the US teams--or would that be ridiculous?

PSS--perhaps team captains could make a few calls and try to schedule a scrimmage day prior to the event if what they want is more opportunity to play more games against Yanks.

Rich T.

New Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Hey Pete,
As you may know I have been playing in the European Circuit for the past couple of years. I have played with Image, and Joy two great teams. I agree that the American teams do dominate although there are definitely some very strong European teams. With this being said I again agree with you that the fastest way for the European teams to get stronger is to play against the American teams as much as possible. Were we differ is on the best way to do so. I think that by changing the format for your semis you will have theoretically more American teams bumping themselves out of the finals. Allowing more European teams into the finals but not necessarily making them stronger teams.

I think the best way for the European teams to get better is to come over and compete in the states. Every team that I have talked to this season is planning on participating in all or most of the Millennium events. Yet only a few of the European teams are going to compete in NPPL/PSP (WHATEVER)and out of those teams only in a couple of events. As this trend continues the teams that are playing twice as many tournaments are naturally going to get better and better. Case in point GZ two season ago were no were near the team that they are today but playing more events then all the other teams the last couple of season has made them one of the top teams.

Now im not looking for a verbal lashing but it just so happens that I have had this same conversation before and unfortunately had formed an opinion so thought I would chime in. Looking forward to the X-ball thing hope it is all that it can be.



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Rich T.
Hey Pete,
As you may know I have been playing in the European Circuit for the past couple of years. I have played with Image, and Joy two great teams. I agree that the American teams do dominate although there are definitely some very strong European teams. With this being said I again agree with you that the fastest way for the European teams to get stronger is to play against the American teams as much as possible. Were we differ is on the best way to do so. I think that by changing the format for your semis you will have theoretically more American teams bumping themselves out of the finals. Allowing more European teams into the finals but not necessarily making them stronger teams.

I think the best way for the European teams to get better is to come over and compete in the states. Every team that I have talked to this season is planning on participating in all or most of the Millennium events. Yet only a few of the European teams are going to compete in NPPL/PSP (WHATEVER)and out of those teams only in a couple of events. As this trend continues the teams that are playing twice as many tournaments are naturally going to get better and better. Case in point GZ two season ago were no were near the team that they are today but playing more events then all the other teams the last couple of season has made them one of the top teams.

Now im not looking for a verbal lashing but it just so happens that I have had this same conversation before and unfortunately had formed an opinion so thought I would chime in. Looking forward to the X-ball thing hope it is all that it can be.

Hey Rich, how are ya mate ?
Hope all is cool !!
Anyway, I think there may well be a slight flaw in your thinking along the lines of us going over there (to the US) to hone our game.
For the Americans to go from 10 to 7 is much more amenable than for us to go from 7 to 10.
For the Euro teams to do so, we have to maybe (and often do) take payers how are just not up to it and more than often, players who are not even of the same team.
Now when you guys across the pond prune your teams down to 7, the result is generally a kick ass bunch of motivated Yanks ready to do the business.
When we expand our squads up to go and play NPPL (or whatever it is called now), we diminish our quality rather than enhance it.
So you see, it is not really a level playing field as far as mutual cross-Atlantic representations go.
Lucky for me, I played for a couple of yank teams and had a great time bashing up on all the Euros, so I ain't really got a leg to stand on but hey !!, I gotta be counted now especially in the light of this X-Ball thingy.....can't wait and I'll see ya out there...but hopefully before.
Laters Rich

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Buddha, Buddha, Buddha

Originally posted by Baca Loco

"Buddha, I am your father, join me and come over to the dark side" (just paraphrasing, you understand..)
Remember Mel Gibson in the movie "Conspiracy Theory." Just because you're crazy and paranoid doesn't mean you're not also correct.
But in this instance I don't think a conspiracy is necessary or even likely, sad to say. As the organizers of the two series have had more and more contact they have naturally concluded that between them they have world paintball sewed up and wherever possible are taking steps to integrate systems.

However, Buddha, your conspiracy mindset needs quite alot of work. You're trapped in the present trying to imagine some Utopian tourney predicated on today's format. To break you of the nasty habit of perceiving what's around you as real I recommend you watch 'Dark City', 'Brazil' and 'Twelve Monkeys' all in a row. And that should take care of that.


PS--as to what Robo's on about why not alter the prelims for more games and skip the semi's and finals with high score winning out. Then the Euros could have a go with all the US teams--or would that be ridiculous?

PSS--perhaps team captains could make a few calls and try to schedule a scrimmage day prior to the event if what they want is more opportunity to play more games against Yanks.

How am I trapped in the present? I never said anything that would indicate that I think that tourneys are supposed to stay the way they are.....

As far as the conspiracy goes, please don't teach me anything! I'm paranoid enough as it is...:D Nah, I don't truly believe that there is a conspiracy going on, but it's fun to raise these subjects, ain't it?


New Member
Jan 2, 2002
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Reading this crap seems like a far cry to help Euro teams advance in tourny's. Why don't you make a rule that "Yanks" can only play with 6? Robbo why don't you help these teams get better, and be able to compete with the yanks? You got game and know it as well as anyone. Taking 12 or 16 into semis just lets a few more in including "yanks" that messed up and Euro's that would have missed the cut, Then it all shakes out the same dude. Euro's getting thier asses handed to em in the Semis :) have a good day mate

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
Is an end in sight? Probably not. The yanks are strong and like Robbo said time difference is a factor but also you'd have to take 2/3 teams of us to play in a US tourney cause they already got 10. They train and practice and work as a unit. We would be 3 units trying but going out b4 the semis.

In europe we need to build on our own merits and not be dictated to by the Americans but by no means shy away from what they may teach us. Nobody knows everything (whatever people may try to belive) and we ar eall still learning to a greater or lesser degree.

Maybe start a European Series only open to euro teams. A leg in france, germany and england. Whereever. I mean the Campaign Cup is open to all so why not have smaller but still just as large tourneys for us to preactice in.

Invite select few "guests" from America to play in each euro side. Both US experience but not US dominance.

Or we could try to just open up that can o whoop ass (as TJ puts it) a little bit wider.

Its never going to be easy and no one said it was but its naive to think we may not be catching up. UK Chameleons, Rushers, Joy Division, Ton Tons. All sides that are ever improving and growing to become a real challenge for the US.

Just a thought;)