Etek II would be a good one or a second hand Ego7. The only problems with shockers are the efficiency isn't as good as ego/borg etc, ribbon eyes

and the RL one is going to be as ******* to clean.
Bandana and toothbrush, takes not much longer than any other
If you where wanting to stay spool DM/PM's are the closest your going to get in the price range, or thresholds(very nice guns), if you want to try poppet style go eclipse as Timmys have no real tech support over here and parts can be a slag to get if you don't quite know what your after.
I wouldn't reccomend a stock NXT, try to get hold of a PL model, unless you drop on a nice stock bodied one.
Or go for the shocker whore's choice of an SFT as the kick NXT's in the colon and laugh like pirates

Plus I'm always around for tech help on shockers