Sweet. Am sooooo nearly tempted to buy myself an Ego. Shot my mates 06 in a few games last Sunday and I was ready for new pants by the end of it, what a marker!
you will need to take the grip frame off to examine the top board (has on/off on it)
be careful when putting it back together (thats a good way of breaking your on/off) it should slot together and with no force at all but if it requires a small amount of force, summit is wrong.
Ok ok cool Dan, cheers for this info dude. I've never taken an electronic marker apart before (only sh*tmanns) and am slightly nervous about it, how do i get the grip frame off chap?
i suggest you print of the trouble shooting section and take it to every event you attend, also buy shocker lube and an oring kit for your shocker bolt.
i suggest you study it well, i never found my shocker that realiable
When you take teh frame off...undo the two frame screws and slide the grip backwards a touch, before pulling away from the body, this should help save your on off switch, if it aint broke already.
I switched the battery mate and the on/off was being hampered by a loom of wires.
Took your advice and removed the board as well, gave everything a good clean (it was filthier than an evening with Jenna Jameson) and job's a goodun dude!