Originally posted by How
no offense mate but how the fvck can changing your bolt blow your solenoid, unless you fitted it with a sledge hammer. I suspect you put your input pressure to high so i recomend that high again or you'll blow another solenoid
and i would recomend you do see what the SP guys say before you put up a post like this again because im pretty sure its not possible to blow a solenoid changing bolts.
Well to be honest I haven't the faintest clue how installing the Evolve bolt managed to screw up my Shocker as it didn't make sense to me either. But it did and I did nothing wrong that I can see. I investigated and I do not seem to be the only user who has had problems with the bolt kit.
So I think that I am quite justified in posting my findings in a public forum. Especially as someone had asked about the kit. Although I am quite prepared for someone to prove me wrong.
Infact I think I will post the entire procedure I followed.
I dialled by shocker down to around 250fps just to be on the safe side. I took out the stock bolt kit and installed the Evolve bolt kit. I set the dwell to 30 chirps from the bottom and cycled the marker around 1,200 times (200 dry and 1,000 with paintballs), during this time the bolt locked up once and I had to turn the maxflow off then on to unlock it. Then I took the bolt kit out inspected it, cleaned it, relubed it and reinstalled it. Next I set the dwell to 15 chirps from the bottom and shot a hopper through it, all seemed ok.
But then the next time I tried to shoot the marker (the next day) all that happens is my shocker makes a little "Pissssh" noise every time I try to shoot it and the bolt does not cycle. I have tried replacing the stock bolt and the same thing happens, so my best guess would be that the solenoid is broken, but obviously it could be something else. I would also like to point out that I do not seem to be the only person who has had problems with the Evolve bolt kit.