Try using an unladen African Swallow.
Well....not much good really, as it will be laden once you strap the marker and air system to it.
Also...I should think that Cooks' package (so to speak) will weigh more than a Coconut anyway, regardless of if it grips it by the Husk or even has a friend join in and carry it on twine between their beaks.
Sorry to bring up old thread but im planning to sell my cocker in the Nation too if nobody is interested in my cocker here and also cockers are still hot stuff there in the states, but which service that u guys used? 'international signed for small packets'? or just the 'international signed for'? coz for the international signed for it'll coz around 44pounds (yikes!!) and im sure that international signed for small packets is out since u cant wrap markers in small packets..
Cheers and best wishes
Size and weight dude, size and weight.
That will determine the cost.
I recommend you use an express service and make them pay for it.