Dark, you quite rightly note that I do respect ALL the teams we play, no matter who they are, I have to.Originally posted by Dark Warrior
If this was true then it is an affront to the other teams.
There is no glory and nothing to learn in playing a team not playing to win.
Robbo has more respect for teams than that
Nexus all the way
But, the only reason we are playing (because I was originally not going to let Nexus Eclipse anywhere near a tournament till May) is because our normal training weekend at Notts had this tourney on the Sunday, we couldn’t find an alternate venue to carry on the Saturday's training, so rather than waste a day, I decided to enter both teams.
That said, of course we want to win but our prime directive on the Sunday will be to continue what we trained on the day before, that is the way we have been doing things since we started.
We do the drills on Saturday and put them into play on the Sunday.
Now believe me when I say, if any of the guys come off of that field after having won the game but not putting into effect what I asked them to, I am gonna be well pissed.
I don't give two sh!ts if they won and shot everybody off the field and didn't lose a man, if things weren't done as I wanted them to be done then for me, it would have been a complete waste of time.
Alternatively, if they lose the game but did what I asked, then I would be more than pleased, with the result being academic.
It would be great if we did win but believe me, sometimes in paintball, it is better to do the job you been asked to do than win a game if there are higher goals to pursue, those being XBall and NPPL.
So Dark, we will respect each and every team we play but that does not mean we give up the right to structure our approach to playing how we see fit.
The only problem I got now is convincing my players that the prime directive is not winning but following a plan or new approach, to the letter.
As Pipes says, ‘Should be fun’ J