The kind of people who do this sorta cr@p won't respond to any moral pleas or outcries, it would be just like water off a duck's back to them.
They are low lifes, they know they are but this will never stop them, the only we hope we have is that one day, we can catch one and then his anonymity is no longer a cloak for his dirty deeds.
Onto more interesting points regarding the Sunday, I would first like to thank all of the teams that both Nexus teams played against, as well as thanking Bully and all of the marshals for jobs well done.
Both our teams tried to play 'in yer face' aggressive paintball from the get go with varying degrees of success, both teams learnt from the experience.
What was interesting for me was seeing a lot of players who, if only given the chance, could cut it at the pro level as it stands now.
Most teams present had guys, sometimes two or three, who could play real good ball and if these kids were harvested and groomed, the UK paintball scene would be transformed overnight.
I don't know what aspirations these kids have in terms of what they wanna do, like playing with their mates in their existing teams or maybe wanting some serious ball, I just don't know, but what I do know is this, we got some serious talent lurking around in teams that would enable me to put together another five Nexus's.
Interesting and frustrating stuff !!!
They are low lifes, they know they are but this will never stop them, the only we hope we have is that one day, we can catch one and then his anonymity is no longer a cloak for his dirty deeds.
Onto more interesting points regarding the Sunday, I would first like to thank all of the teams that both Nexus teams played against, as well as thanking Bully and all of the marshals for jobs well done.
Both our teams tried to play 'in yer face' aggressive paintball from the get go with varying degrees of success, both teams learnt from the experience.
What was interesting for me was seeing a lot of players who, if only given the chance, could cut it at the pro level as it stands now.
Most teams present had guys, sometimes two or three, who could play real good ball and if these kids were harvested and groomed, the UK paintball scene would be transformed overnight.
I don't know what aspirations these kids have in terms of what they wanna do, like playing with their mates in their existing teams or maybe wanting some serious ball, I just don't know, but what I do know is this, we got some serious talent lurking around in teams that would enable me to put together another five Nexus's.
Interesting and frustrating stuff !!!