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Scratch team......with a twist! UPDATED - MERGED (only one pls) TFP


Feb 20, 2005
East Coast
Insurance: Just calling some people to sort it out. Something to check is how much baggage is covered if it's sold/broken/stolen and also what the single item cover is. One was offering £2k baggage allowance but only £250 on a single item, markers are more than this obviously.

If you have contents insurance it might be insured under this if you want to check.

More than are coming in at £12.25 for the premier cover, all the bells, whistles and £2000 on the baggage which would be about right for most of a single persons kit.

Other than that, what else do we need mikey? Is it money for a visa on entry?

Also, who is driving to mine and when are you getting here on friday??

Also, I've just been informed some of you are quite young. HO HO! You have no idea what you're getting in to.
i am leaving my car at yours if that is ok, depending on traffic, we will be leaving huntingdon bout 730-8, so prob 10 ish maybe earlier


Oct 28, 2004
North Essex
2 cars at mine is cool though please drop off people at the airport as I'll have to nab us a lift from my mum so the less people the merrier to squeeze in to a 206 with kit the better! We need to be at the airport at 11 latest really, so yea if you chaps can get to mine for 10:30 latest that would be excellent.

Still need a bowler hat, anyone got a joke shop near them?!


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Ok there seems to be a bit of confusion with transport.

Can everyone post up their plans. i.e who is leaving there cars at oddjobs etc

Also if your a driver can you tell me who you are bringing


Oct 28, 2004
North Essex
Does anyone have a credit card they could put the tops on and then we all pay you back on Friday/when the bill comes through? Get it posted to mine as long as it's assured to be here before 10 on Friday. My address is floating around on PM if needed. Might as well go for it! I'd do it but I've got a load of paint from 2 tournaments on there and so it's a bit maxed.

Tricky, hoping to get all people needed in a car my mum will be driving as I'm back with them at the moment cos I'm a student once again. Where are you coming from? Trying to think of how to get Me, you, Mikey and Rob all in one car with any kit. Rob/Mikey please drop off all your stuff at the airport with the other lads.