Originally posted by Liz
Many of the central characters have already been nabbed, so get in touch with them quickly if you want to play a particular role! I know that Chewbacca, Jabba & Leia have already gone, along with both Fetts & quite a few others.
And there ya go again liz, talking about me to other people. Well At least it wasn't a direct comment this time
For you gurlz and guyz who missed the behemoth starwars thread.
You can find it here Feel free to add to it and move it up the page again
Now pickachu that name rings a bell you wern't camped near the H-pac fire engine at Kenny's were you if so i was the muppet camped under the jamacian flag. And hurling up the next morning [3 hours sleep and 10 hours drinking seems to have that effect on me
