To be honest I dont think anyone would really take any notice. Simply because it does'nt look like a paintball marker. You didnt see any paintballs, nor did you see a hopper. It just looks like a plastic toy gun. The only reason why we know its a paintball marker, is because we play paintball.
I have not seen or heard of anyone being done over by a pantball gun at all. In the media, magazines nor news papers. Except for the pop idol bus. If anything its been real guns and plastic toys, and even water pistols.
So relax, and just play paintball!
PS. if it makes you feel any better I have a few mates who ask about where to get them from, or sometimes they even pester to use mine, but i just tell em to f*ck off. Most people who wanna use em dont know where to get em from, and some find it easier to get real ones and pellet guns. I mean how many places in england sell paintball markers???