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Scam !!


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
Taking orders on a live website with no valid contact details, other than a gmail address (??), is pretty scammy IMO.

Sorry Missy, normally I agree with most of what you say but this time I don't.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2012
Why is copying someones terms and conditions, and also copying the packages another site offers a 'scam'?
Also, If he advertises guns at a low price then that's the price he has to charge as per the law - what's the problem with that? Its used/old gear and hence there is no MAP.

I know several big industry players that have identical T&C, and they pretty much all offer the same packages. This does not mean they are breaking the law, scamming people, or anything else underhand. Kee's T&C's are the exact same as Procaps T&C's, does this mean you should all run around trying to shut them down? No. it doesn't. That would be stupid. There is no law against any of this, and certainly no reason for anyone to call the fuxking Internet-police.

Unless I'm missing something here this guy has done nothing wrong other than neglect to use spell-check, making him sound dumb. Big deal. He's isn't passing himself off as anyone else (at least this hasn't been mentioned) and that would be the only thing to nail him on. I think people should calm down. New players enter the industry all the time. He will either provide a good product and stay in business, or not.

Scam - my fat black ass.
Have you actually looked at the site or read this thread, this is a google result for their contact number,http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&safe=off&sclient=psy-ab&q=++01342+713611&oq=++01342+713611&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=serp.12...12614.12614.0.14863.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=5c37ccd3c94b846&biw=800&bih=485 of course it's possible they're running 2 businesses from the same number but i doubt it.


Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
Nominet are unable to assist.

Your best bet would be to issue the host with a takedown request citing copyright and intellectual property theft as well as reporting the site to the police.

Don't waste your time with your solicitor, just a waste of money.
Bon this is the best post I have ever seen you write my feathered friend :)


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Bon this is the best post I have ever seen you write my feathered friend :)
Underneith the chaos of my sanity lies a perfectly normal person... he gets let out occassionally :)

Plus having gotten 3 sites taken down in the last week im kind of enjoying this game :D


Aug 5, 2011
By the way Missy-Q, you can advertise something for sale at any price you want but it is NOT the law that you have to sell it at that price. In law it is classed as "an invitation to treat". Right up until there is an offer of money and an exchange of goods or services, there is no contract in place.
First bought into the UK law books after Fisher v Bell where a flick-knife was being advertised for sale. He was being prosecuted for selling an illegal knife but the courts found that no contract had taken place by merely placing a price tag on it.
There's also another one with Boots Pharmaceutical but basically they are both similar. Shops can advertise whatever they want but no sale takes place until both parties agree on the terms therefore either party can pullout at any time.
Just a nice bit of info for you and others to carry round with you on life's little journey.

But re the site.....what a bunch of dodos
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300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Really?! If you spent a little more time on that site, you'll soon notice why everyone is up in arms. The spelling issue should be the least of your concerns.
To be honest I didn't go to the site at all. I just read the comments and saw nothing that denoted a 'scam' at the time of my posting. Granted I did not know that they are using someone elses telephone number, but what does that mean? Doesn't it mean that they are advertising products but that when someone calls to order it they get BZ instead? Wouldn't they then place the order with BZ, seeing as they were on the phone? I mean thats not a scam either, unless they are out to scam themselves - it's just really dumb

And Stryker, I'm not quite sure what your saying but I think you misunderstood my post.


I'm either drunk or high
Feb 12, 2006
King's Lynn, Norfolk, England
To be honest I didn't go to the site at all. I just read the comments and saw nothing that denoted a 'scam' at the time of my posting. Granted I did not know that they are using someone elses telephone number, but what does that mean? Doesn't it mean that they are advertising products but that when someone calls to order it they get BZ instead? Wouldn't they then place the order with BZ, seeing as they were on the phone? I mean thats not a scam either, unless they are out to scam themselves - it's just really dumb

And Stryker, I'm not quite sure what your saying but I think you misunderstood my post.
Think it's more a case of they order online, then call BZ asking "where the f@ck is my stuff?" when it doesn't arrive.
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